
Chapter 166

The day of the departure arrived at last, and Jennet was still asleep when the day came. She woke up from her slumber when she heard a loud bang from the outside of her room.

No, the sound came from outside the villa!

She lifted her head and squinted her eyes. Everything around her was bright as it was already the day. Then, she glanced to her side and found the spot beside her was empty.

"Hue?" she called out for her husband. At the same moment, she spotted a few black figures flying outside the window.

She flinched on the bed. Then, she hurried up, scooted to the corner of the bed and held the blanket close to her erratic chest. Her eyes widened in fear when she saw the figures appearing at the window again.

"Hue!!" she screamed her husband's name.

One of the mysterious and hooded dark figures, stopped when it heard her scream. It veered around slowly and saw her in the room. It flew closer to the window and peered inside, looking straight at her face.

Jennet broke down into c
Jenzalex Ichaelis

Hi y'allヽ(´▽`)/, Jenzalex here (-‿◦) . Hope everyone's faring well over there. This chapter is the last chapter... the human world, I mean ≧▽≦y I haven't said it's the end yet... -_-|| though I want this book to be completed soon (>_<). So,(〜^∇^)〜 the next chapters are going to be all about the Fantasy Realm (ノ゚▽゚)ノ , the dramas and so on. Also, some of you are itching (´ヮ`) to get to this part. I know...ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ So, o (^‿^✿)o readers, follow me to my realm ~(⁰▿⁰)~ and see the wonder that I want you to see or imagine, at least...(n˘v˘•) and let us dream togetherヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙... So, happy reading and enjoy the ride.

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