
Chapter 9: Notorious;Nemesis

A goblin fell to the ground as it was cut in half. Its blood was blue, but it didn't lessen the feeling of killing another creature. It was almost as tall as a human and had similar features. It had green skin and large eyes. Its teeth and claws were sharp. Other than those features, it was almost human.

“How are the newbies?” Sven asked as he shot another goblin in the head. His weapon was a silver revolver. He didn't need to reload but he had to pull back the hammer for every shot. Its bullets materialized from his magical energy.

“As expected,” Sera responded as she cleaned her blade of blood. It was a beautiful long sword. Its blade was a red color and had grooves. Those grooves were able to extend her reach like a whip's. The hilt and the guard were both trimmed in black.

The teams were split into two. The newbie team, dubbed Alpha, finished defeating a group of goblins. They had no issues killing smaller monsters like slimes and rabbit-like enemies. This was the first encounter they had with humanoid enemies. It was normal for newbie hunters to be affected after killing them.

Even Zeke was hunched over. Caitlin was rubbing his back after he had hurled the contents of his stomach. The other members of team Alpha were in the same state. It was clear that some of them were not used to killing, whether it was animals or humanoids.

Sera and Sven were watching over them while they recovered.

“They need to get used to this,” Sera said. “Stronger enemies tend to take more humanoid appearances. Also, they need to be prepared to go against humans as well.”

“Should I say ‘as expected of the Rising Star’?” Sven teased.

Sera just looked at him and furrowed her brow. She knew that Sven was the kind to mess around. But he was also one to take his job seriously.

Sven also knew that it wasn't unusual to go against other breakers. There were still a lot of corrupt groups and associations out there. Some small, some big.

“Still, isn't this a bit too much?” Sera looked around at the corpses of goblins around them. They expected to encounter groups of goblins around these parts. They also intended for newbies to get used to killing humanoid enemies as well. But the group of goblins seem to have increased drastically.

“You're right. This is strange,” Sven said as he turned over one of the corpses. “Sera, look at this.”

“This is bad. We should contact the commander.” She noticed that one of the goblins had a slightly bluish skin and a small horn on their head. It was a stronger species, an evolved goblin called a hobgoblin. Newbies can handle a single hoblin but a horde would be fatal.

Team Alpha recovered enough to move. Sera and Sven were about to inform them to retreat when the earth rumbled violently.

“Shit! That's really bad! Team Alpha, fall back!” Sven shouted as a large creature appeared. It was almost thirty feet tall, more than five times the height of an average adult human. It had a bulky muscular frame and its skin was a dark blue. Its two bottom row fangs were large enough to protrude out of their mouth. There were two large horns on its head.

“I'll distract it! Get the newbies!” Sera rushed to intercept the monster that was heading for team Alpha. She poured her energy onto the blade and the grooves glowed red. “Let's go, [Laevateinn]!”

“Tch. I don't have a choice, do I?” Sven had to go with that plan. The terrain wasn't very favorable for him and his fighting style. He called out to the newbies as they were getting their wits. “Everyone regroup! I'll provide cover fire!”


Meanwhile, the second team, team Omega, was in a similar spot. They have also encountered goblins. Estelle and Zacharias were discussing their observations.

Just like in team alpha, most of the newbies were affected by killing humanoid opponents. Subject Q wasn't much perturbed.

“It's a bit troubling,” Zacharias told Estelle. “Now I understand why you're stressed out.”

“Exactly my point,” she replied with a sigh.

“He's barely affected in killing humanoid enemies. There's not even a bit of hesitation,” he stated his observations. “That man has experience in actual combat. The way he fights is also unorthodox for a summoner class.”

“I've confirmed his class with my eyes as well.” Estelle found the opportunity a while back. It was during the time when the licenses and registrations were being completed. “At least, he was not lying when he said his class.”

Even that time, she couldn't help but wonder if he knew that she was using an ability to pry deeper.

“Still, that's causing some issues,” she said as the other members of team Omega were recovering. Like team Alpha, they were mostly affected by going against humanoid enemies. But most of them were also affected by Subject Q as well. It was a mix of emotions. Some saw his ability as amazing. Some were annoyed because a summoner was stealing the spotlight.

Still, his ruthlessness and no hesitation in killing was disturbing. No one else approached him as they recovered, except for Arian.

She has been pointing out the number and location of the enemies. Her potential as a scout was prominent. When they were surrounded by goblins, it was because of her that their formation didn't collapse. There was no need for the observers to intervene because of her.

Q's combat ability complimented her scouting. He was able to dispatch the enemies that would have otherwise ambushed them. 

But just like Sera and Sven, Estelle and Zacharias noticed the evolved species of the goblins. Immediately, Zacharias ordered a small team to make contact with team Alpha.


“We need to run, now!” Arian shouted as soon as she detected a dangerous presence. The earth rumbled and a large creature can be seen heading for them. It was like the enemy encountered by team alpha, except this one had dark red skin.

Q saw the approaching behemoth and gripped the hilt of [Kotetsu] tightly. His old self would have no problem with this enemy. He would have jumped into the fray without second thought. But he stopped to think and ponder. Behind him were the other members of his team. Although temporary, they were still a party. His body is currently that of a human's. He couldn't be as reckless as he would have liked.

“Let's retreat. I'll provide cover,” he declared. The other vanguards had no choice but to go with that plan. The newbies have no confidence they can even take on that huge thing. Luckily, the commander and senior staff officer were nearby.

Q turned to Arian and asked, “are there any other enemies?” He had noticed the anxious look on her face.

“Yes. But it has already encountered the other team,” she said. “They are also regrouping already.”

“Damn. That's impressive.” Q couldn't help but admire the range of her detection. He could also feel another large presence nearby but he wasn't sure where it was. Arian was able to tell that the other team encountered it. She also could pinpoint that team Alpha was regrouping.


“What is that man up to this time?” Estelle rushed to team Omega. She noticed that Q was covering the other team members. A part of her still saw him as a newbie. A newbie trying to square off against that is just suicidal.

“Provide support, Estelle.” Zacharias instructed her as he took out a long golden staff. He immediately rushed to where Q was.

“Right. Yes, sir,” she responded. In situations like these, it was best for Zacharias, the commander, to take control of the situation. She tried to guide the other members of team Omega. She also instructed some of the staff to focus on making contact with the other team.

“Stand back and group with the others, boy,” Zacharias called out to Q.

Q turned to the commander and once more towards the red-skinned monster. He gave a nod and rushed to his teammates.

“What the hell is an oni doing here?” Zacharias cursed.

As he did so, the oni let out a loud roar. The roar caused the other newbies to stumble, paralyzed by fear. It also called out a horde of hobgoblins, summoning them from its own magical power.

“Hmp,” Zacharias scoffed. He slammed one end of the staff on the ground. A mist of miasma emanated from the staff and enveloped the horde of hobgoblins. The miasma's poison was so potent that the hobgoblins died in seconds.

The red oni noticed that his horde was annihilated and let out another roar. Its magical energy was enough to call for another horde. It also dispersed the miasma around it and its summons.

Zacharias raised his weapon. The upper section of the staff turned into several blue chains. The staff transformed into a flail. As the chains clanged against one another, its noise echoed throughout the area. The bodies of the fallen hobgoblins, and even the goblins, convulsed and started to move. They got up, becoming an undead horde under his control.

“[Haunting Dead].”

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