
Chapter 4

I followed the prince to the limo whilst staring back at the house we had never chosen, the house was given by them to make sure we couldn’t leave; we weren't allowed anything that would give us a social standing among the mortals. We were made to look poor and isolated; the human neighbours would have already been told that we were criminals, that we weren't to be approached.

Though, this only happens to the families who try and run, try and escape their fate, not all witches must live as we did. Under constant watch. Some got to live a normal life, only being called upon when they were needed, it all depended on what power you were born with.

I looked up at Silas who stood above six foot, watching as he opened the car door, indicating that I should get in, and I almost obeyed...

“Luna!” My mother screamed in a panic from the front door; her brown eyes coated in terror. “Luna run!”

I pulled my arm from the grip of the vampire prince, though I was aware that he had allowed me to do so; if he wished to keep me within his grasp, he would have easily been able to stop me. I ran back towards my mother, jumping into her arms, tears sliding down my cheeks.

Why would she tell me to run? She knew what happened to those who ran, she knew the consequences of saying it. So, why? How could she make that mistake?

I sobbed into her shoulder, ensuring that my voice was low; though I knew they would still hear me, they always did. “Mother please, what is going on?”

“My sweet Luna, I cannot say.” My mother cried, stroking my hair as I tightened my grip around her neck. In a lower tone, within my mind, she said; “Luna they know, they know what you can do. They are going to use you against the rebels. You must run.”

I gasped; they knew? How was that possible, we hid it so well...? Didn’t we? We ensured I showed no power in their company, we ensured I didn’t use my gifts. But that didn’t change anything, I couldn’t run, they would kill me. They would kill her. I eased myself down, I couldn’t talk to her the way she could talk to me, all I could do was shake my head and hope she understood that I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t escape. It was too late for that.

“If you won't run, fight. I know what you can do. Use it.” She mentally scolded me, running her hands down my cheeks.

Again, I shook my head. I couldn’t risk it; couldn’t risk her life. I needed to know she was safe. I already lost my father; I could not lose my mother too. I prayed she wouldn’t hate me for being a coward, for not doing as she begged, but could she blame me? I didn’t want her to die, I didn’t want to die.

Yet, what she asked would bring only that. Even if I somehow managed to use my hectic power, there would be no guarantee that I would make it out of the city alive, and I would be all alone. I would have to fend for myself. Ownerless.

It may sound foolish to some, but I couldn’t live on my own, not at my age, the mortals would not take me in, and I would be found. There is no escape for someone like me, there never would be. It was too late to wish for a better life; I was too far engraved into their minds to wish for something else, something better.

They knew what I looked like, they had photos of me, of my mother. Running is not an option. Not now, not ever.

Silas walked towards us, a small smile etched across his face, promising that whatever was to come of me; would not be pleasant. I stepped away from my mother, bowing my head as she did the same. Did he know my mother’s power? Did he know she could speak to me without uttering a word? If he did, we were in trouble. More trouble than I could imagine.

“Yes, he knows what I can do Luna. He knows I want you to run. Please daughter this may be your only chance.” She whispered desperately within my mind.

I froze, of course my mother could hear my thoughts, she was gifted beyond anything I else that I knew. But I couldn’t obey her, I couldn’t run, surely, she could accept that. I was afraid, always afraid.  but with a life like mine, the strongest of souls would crumble. I had seen first-hand the power of a vampire against a witch, I was no match for them. My father had been no match for them. What made her think differently? What made her think that I could make a difference?

Silas smiled down at me as I lifted my head, his fangs pressing into his bottom lip. “What are you both talking about, I would love to hear it. So please, indulge me.”

“Nothing sir, I was simply saying goodbye to my daughter.” My mother lied, her crimson hair blowing wildly in the cool night wind. Silently, just to me; she said. “Luna do it now! He will kill us if you do not run!”

I gasped inwardly, attempting to appear composed on the outside, but my poker face had never been that good and the vampire prince saw right through me. He knew that she was lying all because of me, because I was too afraid to move.

“I don’t believe that you are telling me the truth Sarah.” He growled, the several other creatures who stood separated on the front lawn all beginning to walk towards us, their eyes glowing in against the lights coming from the house. “What are you saying to the girl?!”

“Luna. I’m sorry.”  the words echoed through my mind as my mother launched herself forward, crashing into Silas and knocking him back, she had managed to catch him by surprise. But that wouldn’t last.

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