
Chapter 9

I took a step back as a figure emerged from the crowd, though I could not move far a Silas still held my wrist tightly in his grasp, ensuring that I would stay by his side. The figure stepped into the light, allowing me to get a closer look at him as he approached, his hand hovering over his sheathed weapon. A long sword. He had eyes the darkest shade of maroon I had ever seen, his short wavy hair a beautiful blonde; perfectly neat and clean. He towered over me as he stepped towards the prince, standing at about five-foot-nine.

“Ah. Ezio Caprotti. What a pleasure it is to see you.” Silas smiled warmly, something I hadn't seen before, not from a vampire.

Ezio smiled back, his shoulder bones visible through his white buttoned shirt, his black trousers clinging to his skin. He had a very rough demeanour about him, his sharp nose and stubble quite intimidating; or maybe it was simply the fact that he would be able to kill me with a single wave of his hand. Either way, I already hated the creature, not trusting him. Not that I could trust a vampire, that would be a grave mistake.

“My Prince, do you think that claiming a sunlight witch is wise?” He asked, his smile no longer present, he needed to know what his ruler was planning; just as much as I did. “What if she turns on us?”

Turn on them? Is that what they were all thinking, that I would rebel and try to kill them all? They clearly didn’t know how strenuous using an ability was, or how much you wanted to sleep after doing anything magical. It was so tiring, so hard to master. Besides, even if I had wanted to betray the prince, where would I begin?

And how would I get out of the underground city alive? I wouldn’t be able to kill them all, it was impossible at my age, it was only when you either reach the age of immortality or practice that I would be able to do such a thing; and even then, there would be no guarantee that I would survive using that much magic.

Silas turned to look down at me, his smile holding as he shoved me towards the Caprotti vampire, his words terrifying me. “If you think she will disobey me, then kill her.”

Ezio ripped his weapon from its sheath as I dropped to my knees, bowing my head as low as I could get it without touching the stone floor; my heart racing in reckless motions against the inside of my chest. Would he kill me for what I was? Or would he see the benefit that Silas did? I didn’t know what I could do, what I could say to save myself.

I wouldn’t disobey, I knew what happened to those who did, I had seen it first-hand. I knew that there was no mercy should you attack your master. But then, did I want to be a slave for the rest of my existence, did I want to be under the command of a vampire, living in the shadows? Is that the life that I want for myself, perhaps not, though that didn’t mean that I wanted to die, it only meant that I wish for something better, something worth waking up for.

And maybe one day, I would get my wish, but for now; I was a slave. That was my life and I couldn’t change it, all I could do was make the most of what I had, and be grateful that I was still breathing.

“I do not think she will disobey; I think she will turn on us should a rival clan ask her to, and that majesty is more dangerous.” Ezio snarled down at me, using the sword to lift my chin, the blade slightly cutting into my neck. “She is too young to wield such power.”

Prince Bancroft laughed deeply, taking a step towards the Caprotti as he spoke; his tone littered with something I had never heard in a voice, pride. “Would you like a demonstration? I assure you; she can handle this power; I have seen it. Yes, she needs to training to enhance it and make it stronger, but that is why I have Berus and his apprentice Blanche.”

I listened to them talking as I cowered on the floor, my heart racing as I remained as still as I possibly could, the sword still pressed against my throat. They were talking about me as though I wasn’t sat here, on the cold stone, my apprehension rising with each passing second. Would Ezio listen to reason, or would he kill me before the prince could explain my power in detail? Would it be better to die rather than be used as a weapon? I couldn't decide where I stood in this, my mind confused and tired.

Ezio Caprotti turned to stare down at me, his eyes sharp and terrifying as he spoke; “Girl, who are you loyal to?”

“I am loyal to Prince Silas Bancroft.” I whispered, flinching when he pressed the sword further into my throat, blood trickling from a small wound.

“What would you do if a high standing vampire asked you to betray your Prince?” he asked me, the crowd moving forward a step, awaiting my answer.

I thought for a moment, would that depend on who it was that asked me to betray him? I mean, I couldn’t exactly say no to the king, could I? Not if he ordered me to do something, to kill the prince. But even then, I doubted that I would be able to do it, to betray him. Not because I cared for the prince, no; it was more because I was petrified of him, of how he was immune to my power, and how he would remain that way now that he drank the entirety of my mother’s blood.

I would be unable to dispose of him, no matter how much I wanted to, it just wouldn't be possible.

“I would kill any vampire that asked me to do such a thing.” I whispered, knowing that now was the right time to allow a tiny portion of my power to seep out, my eyes turning into a deep violet shade.

Ezio laughed, shaking his head as he pulled away the sword, allowing me to catch my breath as I sighed in relief; was that the right answer? Had I avoided certain death? I leant forward, placing my forehead onto the freezing stone, knowing that I needed to show them how obedient I was.

How much I would listen to each command they uttered, without a thought for my own wellbeing and safety; because that was the life of a witch. That was just how things worked, how they were meant to be. We weren’t worthy of the world; we were abominations that needed to be controlled, monitored to ensure we do not stray from the paths we were given.

“See my dear ally, loyal as all good pets should be.” Silas said, with a smarmy like tone in his voice.

“She seems loyal as you say, but she is still a witch.” Ezio retorted

Silas stepped to Ezio, placing his arm around him onto his shoulder. “Oh, my dear Ezio, she is so much more than a simple Witch, can you not see that?”

“Hmm. Perhaps, we shall see.” The Caprotti vampire smiled, turning to look down at me from where I knelt, my head still bowed.

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