
Chapter three

A smile ran across my face as I saw who it was. My husband had returned from work this early for the first time. 

Hos job usually took till midnight because of the huge demands he gets from people within and outside this town.  

He must have left some things unattended to just to be with me for today. 

He is such a wonderful husband to me. 

Henry POV

My wife smiled as she opened the door and found me standing in front of her. 

This is the first time in a long time that I had ever returned home early from work and I could tell she was happy to see me. 

"Welcome home darling!" She exclaims in excitement and throws her arms around me. 

"Ouch!" I exclaim. 

She had hugged me so suddenly and tightly that I felt air go out of me. 

"Nice to see you too Peggy. I had no idea we haven't seen each other for years now." I said jokingly.  

"I never knew you would be back this early. You usually return so late at night." She said

"I never knew you would forgot that today is the due date. The day we have been waiting for. Or rather, the day we planned." I said to her. 

"Due date? Due date for what?" She asked. 

I looked at her questioningly.  

Did she actually forget what we had both discussed this morning? 

"Can I at least enter the house Peggy?" I asked. 

"Oh, Okay. Sorry about that. I just got carried away." She replied and made way for me to get in. 

After entering the house, I sat on the chair closest to me and watched as she shut the door closed. 

"I see you've done some cleaning around the house. Well done, this place looks spotless." I said as I noticed how clean it was around the house. 

"Yes. But I just don't get why this place would keep looking like nobody lives in it. It's clean now but the next morning it will look like I never cleaned." She explains. 

I smiled at her as she speaks about the state she finds the house in, each morning that she wakes up. 

"I don't get it. Why are you looking at me that way?" She asked. 

"Nothing. You're right. It's very strange the way the house is dirty each morning." I agreed. 

"Yes, strange." She said. 

"Go and take your bath now. Tonight is the night." I said. 

"What's happening tonight?" She asked again. 

I stared at her in anger. I don't want to believe that she had actually forgotten. 

She suddenly smiled at me and then laughed.  

She got closer to where I sat and bent towards me.  

"Don't worry dear. I know what you are talking about. How could I ever forget such a special night?" She said. 

I calmed down after hearing those words. 

I would have been made at her if she didn't remember. 

"I thought you had actually forgotten." I said to her. 

"I hadn't but don't you think it's just..." Peggy's words trailed off as she spoke. 

"What's wrong this time?" I asked. 

"I mean... This is Halloween night. It just doesn't feel right. Don't you think it would affect the baby?" She asked in a frightened tone. 

"Calm down Peggy. It's not like evil spirits are going to join us in having sex." I said in response. 

"I'm just saying it doesn't feel right. You speak as if you haven't heard the stories behind this small town we live in. There are a lot of suppernatural things lurking around at each moment." She explained. 

I didn't have time for such words. All I knew is that there is no other night suitable for us than tonight. 

"You know that I always return home late and very tired right? We might not have any other time for this than tonight. And besides, no one here celebrates Halloween." I explained to her. 

"Fine but that still doesn't change the fact this cursed town is not any safer in Halloween. Anyways I'll go and have my bath now." She replied. 

I watched as she hurried off into our room to take off her clothes. I followed her into the room and locked the door behind us. 

"What are you doing?" She asked. 

"What do you mean what am I doing? I want my wife right now." I replied. 

I pushed her to the bed and breathed down her neck. Making lines with the tip of my nose. 

"Please stop Henry. I'm frightened enough having to do this on Halloween night and now you see want me to make it worse with a dirty body as well?" She said, obviously frightened. 

"Forget all that nonsense. Let's do it now." I said. 

"Henry please. I don't want to end up giving birth to a demon baby." She opposed. 

"Demon baby?" I repeated her and laughed. 

"What the hell makes you think you'd give birth to a demon baby?" I asked.

"I've heard the old people here speak of a demon baby which had last been brought to the earth five decades ago and grew up among humans. Draining them of every energy." She explained. 

"There is no such thing Peggy. Stop believing everything they say. It's not true." I opposed. 

"Then let me take my bath for St to be on the safe side. They had said that two people had sex without bathing on Halloween night and the woman only gave birth on the next hallo..." She said. 

"Stop it!" I yelled, cutting her off. 

"You know what? You can go and take your shower! But I tell you this, after that, we'd never try for a child again!" I yelled. 

"I'm sorry Henry, please don't do that." She begged. 

"Those women have mocked me enough for being childless."

"You want to follow your newly found beliefs or you want to believe your husband?" I questioned her. 

She looked disappointed and then she sighed. 

"My husband..." She replied reluctantly. 

She gave in and I got to work on her. 

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