
Chapter 4: The Phone Number

Looking at herself in the mirror, Kenzie bit her lips before taking a full turn. The dress Andrew had delivered to his suite was exactly who she was.

It was a comfortable off-shoulder pink dress and almost hugged her frame. Its flowing skirt reached just an inch above her knees. It was simple yet brings out the beauty in her. 

Kenzie was willing enough to wear her red dress again and walk to her own cabin, but Andrew insisted that she wore something else. He did not want her to look like; she slept in another man’s room… which really did happen.

Except nothing happened.

After a knock on the door, she opened it and Andrew took a peek, asking, “Are you ready?”

Andrew, wearing a plain white t-shirt that semi-hugged his muscular frame, looked terribly gorgeous and while Kenzie had seen him change into this shirt, she can’t help but complain, ‘How can he looks so good in a simple shirt!’

‘Good thing I’m also smoking hot. We just… compliment each other,’ she calmly convinced herself.

As the two walked to the other side of the ship, where Kenzie’s economy room was located, plus several stories below, Andrew’s attention was on her. As for everyone else around them, they could not help but stare at two beautiful people walking alongside each other.

Andrew’s hand was always behind her back or around her waist. He was always clearing the path for her, calling the attention of any passersby that blocked their way.

They both agreed, they could use a good afternoon rest after their drinking escapade last night and Kenzie was not about to sleep in Andrew’s bed, not even if he offered to sleep on the couch.

Arriving at Kenzie’s cabin, Andrew bid goodbye, “Well, I guess I’ll see you later tonight. Dinner?”

Kenzie smiled brightly and answered, “Yes, dinner is lovely. On you? You are the rich one here.”

She bit her lip, thinking, ‘I’m not necessarily taking advantage, right? The guy pays for dinner. It’s always been that way.’

“No problem,” he replied. “Rest well... Just Kenzie.”

Andrew leaned forward and pecked the side of Kenzie’s cheek. She flushed and felt a strange sensation in her abdomen at the feel of his lips. 

When Andrew pulled away, their eyes met, and they stayed still for a second or two, just staring.

“I guess I better leave,” Andrew suggested under his breath. He grinned and added, “Unless you are up for a staring contest which I am absolutely up for."

Chuckling, Kenzie looked down and answered, “Yes, I need to get some sleep. Thank you for walking me to my cabin."

When Andrew’s tall and sexy figure slowly retreated, Kenzie somewhat felt disappointed. Then it hit her! How were they ever going to meet up?

“Andrew! Wait!” She called, walking fast to catch up with him.

‘Wait. I’ve never offered my number to a guy before, let alone ask for his number!’ She thought about how to say it casually.

Kenzie pursed her lips and looked up to his light brown eyes and inquired, holding back a giggle, “Did I ever… did I ever help you with that phone book you are writing?”

Andrew chuckled, flaunting his sexy dimples, and replied, “Yes, you did, sweetheart. You willingly gave me your number.”

“I did?” She asked, panning her eyes from left to right, suprrised. “Hmmm… I just don’t remember I guess.”

“But I’m glad you helped me out with my manuscript! You were a big help,” he teased. “It’s going to be a best seller.”

“Haha! Whatever, Andrew. I guess I’ll see you later,” she said, finally waving goodbye.


Andrew was getting nowhere with his phone book. No, sir. Kenzie was not giving him her number anytime soon, even with her already turning red from all the drinks she had consumed at two in the morning.

Kenzie just kept babbling about him, possibly turning to be another guy who might just hurt her. He recognized how she was badly hurt from whatever breakup she went through that she spoke of it in her drunkenness.

That was not important, however. Right now, he needed to get her number.

While he was confident they had formed a certain connection, there was always that possibility that she would hide from him for the entire two-week cruise after that night.

He certainly would not want that. He had to act fast.

Like on cue, a commotion starts distracting them, especially Kenzie, coming from the other side of the bar.

“Looks like a lover’s quarrel,” Kenzie remarked, directing her gaze at another couple, squinting.

“We should never quarrel,” she suggested before giggling.

“Never,” Andrew acknowledged, while he purposely placed his phone at the bartender’s countertop.

The bartender was left puzzled, but Andrew just silently gave him the “Work with me lad, look” and the guy did not object.

Just when the commotion was over, Andrew started looking around the back of his seat and searching from inside his pockets. He hissed, and it caught Kenzie’s attention.

“What’s up with you?” Kenzie asked with a frown.

“Erm… I can’t find my fucking phone,” he answered, getting up and looking down at the floor.

While already tipsy, Kenzie helped with the search and looked at the distant seats.

“Can you maybe ring my mobile for me, Kenzie? That would be a lot easier,” Andrew suggested while still feeling his clothes for any sign of his mobile. “You have W******p? There is no cellular service out here, but you can connect to the ship’s Wi-Fi.”

“Ah.” Kenzie paused for a second, barely able to hold her stance. “Gosh, I’m feeling dizzy.”

“Yeah, I have W******p.” When she finally caught up with what Andrew was asking, she asked for his number and she carelessly dialed it. “Opps! Opps! There you go. Haha! Ringing!”

They both turned to the left at the same time where, not very far, the bartender was shaking his head, realizing what Andrew was up to. 

“Oh, my god! You could have said something. It was in front of you the whole time! I’m pretty sure you saw us and heard us, looking for his phone,” Kenzie berated at the bartender, and the guy glared at Andrew.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Honest mistake. The man is busy. My mistake mostly for putting it there.” Andrew quickly grabbed his phone and gave the bartender an apologetic stare. He knew he was bound to give the lad a big tip for keeping his mouth shut.

He helped Kenzie settle back into her seat and placed back his mobile inside his jacket pocket. He then suggested, “One more drink before we call it a night? How about a hard one, this time?”

“Huh?” Kenzie asked, bemused. She rested her cheek against her fist, leaning against the bar.

“Two vodka shots,” Andrew ordered, and handed one to Kenzie.

She was clearly having second thoughts, pouting her lips as she studied the drink. She took it anyway and grimaced dramatically at the end. It was clear to Andrew how she was not good at holding her drinks.

“That was nasty,” she remarked, sticking her tongue out before asking for water. "I guess... I'm just a wine person."

He watched as Kenzie drink a glass of water and then he playfully asked, “So, Kenzie… How about that phone number. Are you ever going to give me yours?”

Kenzie laughed. Her face was red as a tomato before answering, “Not a chance, buddy! You’ll have to try harder!”

With a smirk on his face, Andrew answered, “I knew you would say that.”

From the corner of his eye, Andrew saw how the bartender rolled his eyes at him, but he did not care. He still got her number either way. Besides, what were the chances that Kenzie might not remember it the next day? He was banking that she would not.

Still, it was better than letting Kenzie slip through his fingers... the second time around.

Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
Wait ...second time around?? ...he knows her
goodnovel comment avatar
Rowena Henedine Dominguez
Nice !!!!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Am loving this book- good writing!

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