
Chapter 2 : Alpha's Office

Alpha Sean’s POV

    That stubborn boy stormed off in a rage again! I refuse to call my 22 year ol a man until he starts acting like one rather than a bitter child who gets angry when things don’t go his way. If I didn’t know better I would swear he was born of Alpha blood, but by blood we are Betas. His whole demeanor, not to mention his size.The boy is even bigger than my old friend Dimitri was, not taller. My boy stands at 6ft 4 inches, Shorter than Dimitri but 2 inches taller than me, but his bulk, his stature screams “Alpha material”. He has power and people willingly follow and listen to him, flock to him even despite his sour and bitter attitude. Then there is his wolf, it rival’s Dimitri’s in size and in color and may even surpass his in power. I never thought a wolf more powerful than that of my best friend would exist, but my son…he has an extremely powerful wolf. It is because of this I have needed to find the heir so badly, she must be my son's mate…he still hasn’t found his mate and the only one I can imagine as his equal would be that girl. We had to hide her powers…they had to go on the run and hide her away. Being sought out by fanatics, supernaturals and hunters alike she had to be well hidden, even from those who would love and protect her. I'm a true Beta and would do anything to protect the Alpha family. I’m only holding this position until Demitri or his heir show up, it is theirs by right and we will return to our rightful positions once they are found. I scrub my hand over my face before turning to the reception room and apologizing for my son’s rude behaviour. If he only knew what I really suspected…

     They stood in the reception…Ashe with their hair dyed violet and amber flecked eyes, holding on to … Oh, my goddess! She looks so much like them!! Like him!  The power coming off the young witch is incredible, even with that pendant that I would recognize anywhere. Rayanne didn’t even realise who she has been mentoring all this time! Of course not she had been studying in Europe when it all happened. When the child was born she had heard about it but her fight with MArlene had kept her away until after they disappeared.I know she regrets the fight and regrets staying away so long. I stoop to catch the young witch just as she faints, it definitely is her “it is true” i breathe to myself, carrying her to my office as I lead young Ashe to sit and talk with me. A miracle lies on my sofa…it is a miracle she ever existed and even more of one that she survived and has been practically under our noses all these years. I take a deep breath, looking in wonder at the raven haired witch with eyes that shone silver like some gifted wolves who are especially favored by the goddesses, as I place her gently on the sofa. Then I turn to the worried teen in the seat opposite me. They seem worried for their friend, a little nervous at the situation, even. Staring and twisting their hands in their lap as they

try to blink away unshed tears. They take a deep breath then heave a huge sigh before turning attention to me. 

     “I’m sorry about her, Alpha Sean. She sometimes hyperventilates when her power surges unexpectedly but this has never happened before.” Ashe humbly mutters their face lined with worry for their friend. 

“Oh dear child, just Sean is fine, no need for formalities, we are family. Your great grandmother is my grandfather’s sister. Besides you are from Alpha blood while I am Beta by blood.” I boom, feeling more elated than I have in nearly 15 years as I look at the Alpha heir.

     Ashe’s eyes and mine fix on the girl on the sofa…I sigh and pick up my phone, shooting a text to Rayanne to get here as quickly as possible. “Your friend must have had one heck of a surge of power. Rayanne will be here momentarily to check her over. Now, child…” I turn my eyes to Ashe “our rules are not different from your pack’s rules, I know your father well and although I have been far too busy to visit as much as I would like we are dear old friends, so I know you know he will be kept abreast of happenings here. That said, think of me like a beloved uncle, the packhouse is always open to you and I am here should you need anything. I do have a question…” I get cut off by a flurry of bubbles and lavender smoke…always with the dramatic entrances. Rayanne shows up, minus her usual giggles, a serious look on her face.

    “I sensed a surge of power and then I got your text…oh dear! My dear girl!” Rayanne rushes, bending to the unconscious girl on the sofa and waving a hand over her slowly and with a calm focus. “She seems to have experienced a fluctuation in her energy, a big one, her powers are strong, but I have long felt that they could be stronger…the coven and I will need to spend time with her and do some research, something seems to be blocking her, restraining her. I don’t know the cause of the surge, but I am guessing her surge is what caused the ripple all the witches felt throughout New England and a bit beyond. She may be even more powerful than my sister was!” she looked up at me suddenly with eyes wide and a shocked expression. “I have never seen such power, not even Marlene ! How did I not see it before?!” she slowly stands, steadying herself…says a brief incantation and takes the girl’s hand before placing what looks like an oatmeal cookie in her hand. “She will be fine! It’s nothing a cookie, some coffee and a good night’s sleep won’t fix. I will wait until tomorrow to talk to her about her place in the coven.” Rayanne winks and is replaced with a shower of glitter and bubbles…I hear light laughter in the wind and sigh, then receive a text. “I hope that was all you needed, I need to rest up for what’s to come, but if you need anything else just let me know.” I read just as the girl opens her eyes. 

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