
Unfortunate events

I quicken my pace after seeing two security guards coming my way.

"You have 10 minutes to leave the premises." One with a bold head tapped his watch.

"That's what I'm doing," I responded.

"Just letting you know that we have strict orders to call the authorities if you don't."

"Shit, shit, shit," I said to myself as I made my way to my old Volkswagen Beetles. I stared at the peeling blue paint of the beat-up car before getting inside.

I rest my head on the staring wheel, not believing what just happened.

"Cameron freaking Carter," I said aloud, hitting my head on the horn, scaring a few people that were around.

"He is such a prick." I decided.

(How was I supposed to know that it was him? It wasn't even like he stopped me and he was under the influence as well.)

I pulled into the light traffic, driving carefully as to not hit anyone or lose control of my car.

Because, 1, I don't have insurance. 2, my car doesn't have seat belts and tend to have a mind of its own.

Just then, the radio comes on, playing a random tune.

"Ok Bumblebee," I said, switching the radio off.

It felt as if my dreams had just been shattered. All I could do was try my best to get home safely.

When I got to the stoplight, I was a few people videoing two rats that were fighting over a slice of pizza.

"There goes the health insurance and paid vacation," I said to myself.

The light changed to green, but to just my luck, my car broke down.

"Can this day get any worse?"

Just as I said it, a car drove too close to the curb, causing the pooling dirty water to splash on me.

"Thanks. I really needed that shower." I threw my keys down in frustration.

The car stopped, then revised to where I was.

The window rolled down, and once again, my world shattered.

"As if you haven't caused me enough misery, you ruined a perfectly good skirt as well."

"Looks cheap," Cameron said, looking me up and down.

I opened my mouth, but really I didn't know what to say to him.

"Looks like you are having some trouble."

"Yeah, my car broke down." I pointed at the screaming metal death trap.

"You drive that thing?"

"We can’t all afford chauffeurs and luxurious cars."

"Too bad. I wish you luck."

"Aren't you at least going to try and help me?"

"Not really my problem."

I bit my lip. I wasn't even going to argue with him. He was right, none of this was his problem.

Cameron gave me one last look, put his window up, and the car drove away.

I, on the other hand, did the only thing I could.

I took out my phone, turned the blue tooth on, placed one earbud in my ear and walked the rest of the way home.

When I got to the run-down apartment I called home, I dropped down to the sofa to rest my tired feet after the long 2 hours walk.

I threw one of the nasty mildew cushions across the room, taking my anger out on the old, ratty thing that my mother loved so much.

I can't feel sorry for myself, not when I have other interviews to attend. I'm sure I can land any of those.

Even though Cater's had the best benefits out of the other four, which I need, I can't dwell too much on the fact that I had sex with The Cameron Cater and now he won’t employee me.

No, no, no. He isn’t the only company in this city or in the world.

But if I don't get a job soon, my ass is grass. And not the nice lush green kind but the ugly brown disgusting kind that not even dog's shit on.

I sighed, still not believing rich boy Carter. All because we fucked one night. He had to be a prick, and why would he even kiss me?

I touched my mouth. I swear I can feel him still lingering on my lips.

I hated that. I hated the fact that I was still thinking about him.

Sure, he was hot, but he was using his rich privilege.

He even splashed me without apologising, made fun of my skirt and my car.

"I will get you back, Cameron Carter."

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