

I know I must look like shit, but I tried my best to look alive. I have two interviews today and I am confident I will get the job at one.

"Miss Sanders, right this way, please." A girl that seemed fresh out of high school said.

She had her hair up in a high ponytail and wore too much makeup that made her face look red.

"Thank you." I gave her a smile, which she didn't return.

"Sanders, sit. Let's get to it. You can call me Annie." A female in a black pants suit told me.

"Good morning."

"Let's cut to the chase. Why should I employ you?"


"Well, is not good enough. I have been going through your resume, you seem well decorated. But have no experience in this field. Why is that?"

"After college, it was hard to find a job because of the years of experience required."

"And you came here thinking that I would employ you?"

I didn't know how to respond, and if I'm being honest, I wanted to leave. I was not willing to sit here and get insulted by this woman. Nice suit or not.

"Well, it is your lucky day. I have been looking for someone with your qualification. I guess both our prayers have been- oh." Annie frowned.

The interviewer glanced up at me, then back at the computer screen.

Shit, what happened for her to say 'oh?'

"Miss Sanders, I'm afraid I can't employ you."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Is it because of my criminal record? Because my past is long behind me, I was young and the things I did..." I trailed off because there was no excuse for what I did.

"Criminal record?"

Shit, me and my big mouth.

"I'm not seeing anything about a criminal record."

She gave me a look.


"But you are on a blacklist."

"A blacklist? But I have never worked here before."

"You did not, but here it says you have been deemed unemployable as of last night."

I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"How? Why?"

"I don't know, but it says no one in the United States of America, Alaska and Hawaii included should hire you."

"Who did this? I haven't done anything."

"You're right, because they didn't put a reason, just that you are not employable."

"Do you know who did it?"

"Cameron Car- What did you do to piss him off?"

"Nothing that should have led to this." My voice came out in a whisper.

"Well, I can't employ you."

"Please, I really need this. How will he ever know that you employed me?"

Annie gave a sad smile, "sorry but if I do, he will find out, and I can't risk losing my company. Mr Carter is... Well, I guess you see what he is capable of."

The tears streamed down my face at that.

This man had ruined my life, all because of a mistake both of us made.

"I should just go."

"Good luck."

"Thanks, but it seems as if luck is no longer on my side. I should have just taken those damn pills and ended all this."

"Miss Sanders!" I could hear Annie calling my name, but I kept walking.

It's not like she could do anything to help me now. Besides, I caused all of this on myself. I can't blame anyone, not for the past and not for what might happen to me now.

I took the subway with the last money I had, making my way to the diner my little sister worked.

I had my head down to hide my ugly crying face so that no one could ask me any questions.

Jenna skated over to me, "from the looks of it. You didn't get the job."

"Much worse than that."

"Cooper is at the back. Both of you are going through it."

"Holy fuck no."

I hurried to where Cooper sat down at a booth, with his long legs stretched out before him.

"He fired you?"

"Prick told me I had two minutes, I had no time to take my stuff."

Jenna came by, placing a plate of fries and burger before me.

"I know you must be hungry." She gave me a small smile.

"Yeah! Did you pay for that?" The boss yelled.

"Did you pay for any of this Jimmy? Don't make me tell these people how your famous waffles are made," Cooper yelled back.

A man that was eating chicken and waffles dropped his fork.

"Don't worry, the fat around your heart will kill you quicker," Cooper told the man.

"Why are you so mean?"

"Because I just lost my fucking job, all because my boss is nothing but a rich spoilt brat."

"I'm sorry, maybe if I didn’t have sex with him both of us wouldn't be in this mess."

"J, it's not your fault. You couldn't have known, and for what I have heard, he wasn't even that drunk to not know what was happening."

"I should be blamed, now I can't work anywhere."

My sister came by at that, "what do you mean can't work anywhere?"

"He placed me on a blacklist, I can't work anywhere in the U.S"

"Holy shit."

"Why would he even take it that far? It was just sex. What is he gay?" Jenna asked.

We both looked at Cooper, who was applying lip gloss to his naturally plump lips.

"What? Oh my god, if he was, my gay radar would have gone off. He’s not, that man fuck women by the dozen."

"Well, something is wrong with him," Jenna said. She stabbed my burger.

"You can always work here. I need another server."

“Were you listening to us, Jimmy?" Jenna turned in her seat to look at him.

"No, I just happened to hear."

"No Jimmy, you just happened to be sitting in that chair and eavesdropping." Cooper gave him a look.

"Anyway, both of you can work here. It's not like you can work anywhere else."

Cooper gave him a death stare, then rolled his eyes.

"Might as well," I said. "It's not the best, but it is better than nothing."

"Might as well." Cooper agreed. "But I get to be the manager."

"No." Jimmy shook his head and walked off.

"Jordan, I know you are desperate. But this job won't be enough, we both have all those bills and have to pay back those people."

"I will work something out." I touched my sister's hand and gave her a small smile.

'I hope.'

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