
New Life

Ashton remained quiet and continued to move until we reached the edge of Lake Ramsy. Small ripples danced around it as harpies swam below. From my vantage point, I could just make them out through the plants and rocks that sat at the bottom of the lake.

"What are those?" Ashton asked, squinting down at a particularly small harpie that darted from rock to rock.

"Harpies." I responded, feeling slightly confused. "You’ve never seen a harpie?"

"No." Ashton admitted kneeling down so he could get a better look as the small creature slowly began to swim towards the surface.

Releasing my wrist, he reached out a hand in an attempt to touch the surface of the water.

"I wouldn’t do that..." I said just in time for Ashton to jerk backwards as the harpie opened its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth.

"What the fuck?" Ashton hissed as the harpie leapt out of the water and into the air, giving a shriek before diving back in and disappearing from sight.

"Are you an idiot?" I growled, glaring towards the still startled man laying on the grass by my feet. "Do you not know anything about harpies?"

"Why would I?" Ashton demanded regaining his composure. "Evil creatures only exist with evil creatures."

Flinching, I bit back my immediate reply. I knew that he was trying to cover up his embarrassment by lashing out, but to call lycans evil? That was a bit much, and it was taking all my energy to not react.

Ignoring my reaction, Ashton stood up and brushed the grass off his clothes. I didn’t miss the way his arms flexed as they moved and couldn’t stop the instant throb I felt just from the sight. 

"Stared enough?" Ashton asked, crossing his arms across his chest so that his muscles showed even more.

Was he trying to fuck with me? To tease me? Dammit, this just wasn’t fair.

"Who would want to stare at you?" I asked, turning my gaze slowly away from him as if I was simply bored with looking at him. "You’re too fucking full of yourself."

"Sweetheart, I don’t need to be full of myself. I know that I’m a sight to behold." Ashton said, his voice growing icy.

"If you’re just going to be a douche, you can leave." I pointed out, trying to control my growing rage.

I was truly going through the strangest emotions with this back and forth. On one hand, my heart and body were screaming for this man; on the other hand, I wanted to beat him to a pulp out of rage and hatred. How could two such opposite emotions blend so well?

"My niece or nephew is about to be born." Ashton responded slowly. "There is no fucking way that I would leave."

"Didn’t you just say that lycans are monsters?" I asked, unable to believe that he was actually happy about this birth. "Wouldn’t that make the child a monster too since its mother is a hybrid?"

"Shut the hell up." Ashton snapped, his eyes flashing gold.

I could feel my eyes growing wide at his harsh reaction. Despite what he was saying, it was becoming increasingly clear that he didn’t believe a word of it.

Opening my mouth, I prepared to snap back, but stopped as Tj strolled towards us, beaming. I could feel my heart beginning to pound in my chest as I realized that his arrival meant that the baby was here.

"How is Haidan?" I asked, quickly rushing forward, trying to contain my excitement.

"Mom and baby are both doing amazingly." Tj responded, his smile growing bigger, if that was even possible. "She and Antoine are over the moon."

"Boy or girl." Ashton asked, drawing TJ’s attention towards him. "That idiot brother of mine insisted on keeping it a surprise."

"Why don’t you both come and see for yourselves?" TJ suggested while turning around and beginning to make his way back into the packhouse.

Not wasting time, I began to move, feeling like I was floating all the way. Never in my life would I have thought that I would be so excited to meet a child, but Haidan had become somewhat of a sister to me since she came into my life, and this child felt like it was blood related to me as well.

As my mind wandered to what the child could possibly look like, I felt tears begin to prick at the corners of my eyes. I was becoming so overcome with emotion that I truly feared I would burst into tears the minute I saw it.

"Try to contain your emotions." TJ suggested as we arrived at Haidan’s room. "Don’t forget that Haidan doesn’t need any unnecessary worry."

I could feel a prick as TJ spoke. I had almost forgotten that her premature labor could have been due to mine and Ashton’s fighting.

Sucking in a breath, I wiped away the tears that had decided to spring loose from my eyes before looking over my shoulder at Ashton.

Despite his attempt to seem nonchalant and calm, I could see an edge deep within his eyes. Was he nervous about meeting the baby? Or was he upset about the fact that the woman he loved had just become the mother of his brother's child?

At this thought, my heart did a flip in my chest and what felt like a thousand daggers stabbed at it. How the fuck could I even be letting myself feel this way? The mate bond was a bitch and I wished it would go the hell on somewhere.

"Are you going in?" TJ asked, drawing my attention back to him. "Don’t just stand here."


Nodding, I prepared my heart as a small cry sounded from within the room. 

Entering the room, my eyes swiveled around until they rested on Haidan, laying in bed, holding her new bundle of joy against her chest. Her face glowed with the happiness that only a new mother could have, and her eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

Moving towards her, I felt my breath hitch in my chest. It was almost as if I was a parent to the child, despite the fact that I had nothing to do with its conception.

"Thia." Haidan rasped as her smile broadened. "It's a little girl."

"A girl?" I repeated, unable to stop the smile that was beginning to spread across my face.

I was now close enough to see the child that was nestled against her chest. Her little cheeks were pink and her mouth slowly moved as if she was sucking at something that wasn't there. Her eyes, which were open and staring straight ahead, were bright blue, and small eyelashes that were wet from crying surrounded them. Her hair that poked out from the hat that sat on her head was dark and straight, just like Haidan's. She was absolutely beautiful, and seeing her caused a strong surge of emotions to rush through me.

"What's her name?" I asked while keeping my gaze fixed on the delicate little creature as she opened her mouth wide to yawn, revealing her gums that had absolutely no teeth and her tiny pink tongue.

"Serenity." Antoine responded before Haidan could. "Serenity Leigh."

"Serenity." I repeated, letting the word dance across my tongue.

Could this be their hope for peace amongst the pack? That was the only thing I could think of as I watched the future of our herd close her eyes and begin to sleep.

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