
Chapter Fifty-Five: Ceremony

Silvia POV

Cook's diner is transformed.

I never ever could have imagined, when I was working her, trudging through hours long shifts and holding my breath at Cook's atrocious cooking, when I was cleaning up squashed fries and half-eaten burgers and Goddess alone knows what else was part of the muck left on the floors and seats and tables by lazy customers ...

that it could also be this.

The glass windows ripple and glow like the sea at night. Above us



The moon is at her zenith and the her light showers down on us.

I feel Fer just beneath my skin and with her, the iron.

It feels like tides, moving and shifting within me.

What does it want?

I feel the packs' eyes on me.

We promised Esme the ceremony. And we are here.

Vuko POV

Silvia turns to me and now she holds the pendant in her hands. Her fingers find the groove where the leather separates. They trace the curlicues of her own script. The rhyme. She looks at me and holds my eyes as she breathes out the lines.

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