
IV - Beau

I guess to understand why I'm running from my friends, a blind date, and the monster I had for a mate, I would have to talk about my life before I was on my own in the woods for 20 years. Back to the year of 1612.

My family was what you would call royalty amongst the Skinwalkers. We had people everywhere, including in those serving the royal family of England and the royal family of France. Everyone wanted to either to mate into our family or work for us.

There was our Matriarch Lennox Langley-Oadham and our Patriarch Galfrid Oadham, they were the heads of the family when I was born. There was Elizabeth and Richard Oldworth, and there 5 kids, I could never remember their names because they were always out on missions for Lennox and Galfrid.  Oh and then there was the Dackinsons, they were the hunters of the family. Then there was my mother and her mate, who was the son of Lennox and Galfrid. I never bothered to learn their names because I wasn't born the gender they wanted. They wanted a boy but got a girl instead.

The day I was born was chaos. Everyone in the family had been expecting me to be boy. It was the first time the Fates didn't accept a request from the family. I was already deemed a traitor by then. By the time I was 4 and got my animal skin I was seen as a disgrace. No one paid attention to me after that, and if they did it was never anything good.

Age 16

I don't know when but I always found myself in the garden at night, staring up at the stars. It was during these serene peaceful times that I would get visions, of people I didn't know. They would have different paths or if they took one path sometimes it would lead to the second or third path.

The first person I ever saw in my visions was of a young woman named Bridget Bishop. The vision was in black and white which I couldn't figure out what it meant, eventually I found out it meant that the person wasn't born yet.

Black and white was not born; In color was of those born.

I had seen Bridget Bishops death. She was going to be hanged. There was a path on where she lived, but I could never understand the path on how she would get there. There was a man in the vision I had of her. He was in color so he was born already. They seemed happy with each other.

I was outside in the garden staring up at the stars, when Matriarch Lennox, my mother, and a man I didn't recognize walked out of the house, instead of going to the usually meeting place for guests out by the pond, they walked my way.

"Hecate, this is Thomas Essex, your new guardian," My mother told me, when they stopped right in front of me.

I just nodded and got to my feet. I looked at the man and frowned, I knew he was my mate but all I could sense was darkness and trouble from him. I would have to see if he had any paths later. I would need to know all I could find about my mate, because something told me he wasn't going to tell me.

That was the first day I ever met Thomas Mills, and it was the day I had also started seeing the dead.

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