
Chapter 7 - Poorest Rich


         Being here at Capilano University is fun. Though not at the part where they want us to choose a specific sport to train with and participate in some games soon. It was not ideal for me since I am not physically sporty. I am more of a strategist. That's why I played chess instead. And somehow, someone managed to challenge me.

         His name is Conan Evans. He is not from my class and he's not the type of person I'd like to hang out with. He's so arrogant that I wanted to shove every chess piece in his mouth just to shut him up. 

"Hello, Newbie. You need more luck than just my pretty face in this game so be ready." As he gave out his hands in front of me before he sat. But damn, I am not feeling his vibes at all.

         Yeah, he is attractive alright but the rest of him is a total red flag. 

"You know? I've been playing this game since I was eleven. I know a lot of techniques that you don't know of." He said while cracking his knuckles. I rolled my eyes at him and couldn't wait to just see how much he could do with his big mouth.

"Really?" I looked at him with a grinning smile as he made his move. 

         As soon as the rest of the crowd who were passing by the hall noticed us, they surrounded us with intrigued looks. And instead of getting nervous, I felt excited because this way it might get even more embarrassing for him. 

"I defeated my butler with this game. It's just too basic." He said leaning on his chair while trying to look around at everyone's reactions.

         Few moves have already occurred with all his bragging that it turned a little heated up. Then out of nowhere he suddenly placed his hand on top of mine that was on the table. That's when I realized that my friends were already there when I moved my hands away and accidentally hit Miles behind me who doesn't seem to notice it. His eyes were focused on the board that we were playing. I used that hand to move a piece yet forgot that I accidentally placed my other hand across the table. So Conan did the same thing again. I was about to move it again but I didn't expect someone to interfere and slapped Conan's hand off of mine. Conan was startled that he looked at the person who hit him frowning. It was Marco, whom I am pretty sure had very bad anger issues. He's always not in the mood and he's not friendly. Miles said that he's fine if it's just the three of them but when I'm around? His moods would shift fast. 

"You're making her uncomfortable." He said to Conan while he rubbed his hand staring back at Marco. 

"She didn't move her hand man, that means she likes it," Conan replied with a creepy look on his face. 

"She's a very focused person. Her concentration would depend on how little she makes movements while thinking of a strategy. If she thinks together with a movement or gets disturbed by your touch then the plan would get scrambled in her head. And for you, doing that is counted as cheating." He said it straight to his face while the others were looking at both of them. It seems like it's not just our game that was burning.

         But, How did he know? Has he been observing me the whole time? Why do I feel like Marco should be the one I should get scared of and not Conan? 

         I shook off the idea and the game continued.

"Checkmate." Conan suddenly said smirking as he leaned back again on this chair. I did the same thing but gave him a serious look, it's as if I agreed with him that the game was over.

"See? Did I tell you? Looking at her side of the board is not worth it." He was about to stand up when Kade pushed him back to his seat. 

"Are you sure about that?" Miles added and patted me on my shoulder. Some people in the crowd started chuckling while the others were still trying to figure it out.

"Oh come on! She's not even denying that she's been defeated!" Conan has himself escalating the scene. But no one else celebrated with him just yet.

"What a fool," Marco's voice suddenly stood out from people's murmuring.

However, it also became the go signal for them to express their opinions loudly.

"Hahaha, I didn't know Conan could get that stupid."

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious."

"That's what happens when you brag too much." 

"Jeez, seriously he hasn't seen that?" 

Conan was so confused so he looked at the board again.

"What the hell am I missing?" 

"It's a Triple checkmate, you just made it Fourth when you announced yourself. Yet, that official is the only thing that would maybe cover up your king. Other than that, you are low on reinforcements. You don't have that many officials anymore. That even though you'll try to cover up your king, it won't be enough because your opponent has the complete backup." A professor suddenly came out of nowhere.

"In other words, Amy won, you dumbass." Marco then stepped out of the room as the audience started clapping and congratulating me.

         I also felt Freya's hand grabbing my arm as we all walked to the cafeteria. While eating, Marco's unusual treatment of me there made me feel so uneasy. After the game, He just avoided my every gaze. Not that he ever wanted to interact with me but I still need to thank him.

"So? What are we gonna do later today?" Miles then placed his arm around my chair and looked at everyone. Freya just raised her shoulders as the answer. 

"That was intense!" Kade exclaimed all of a sudden which made us look at him as he behaved awkwardly. 

         I used to play chess when I was still five. I learned it from Diego the first time he was hired. They told him to get along with me and we did. Playing chess is one of our best pastime hobbies. He didn't specifically teach me some techniques though he sure is hard to beat. So maybe my eagerness to beat him made me get better.

"How about we go to Lynn Valley?" A stranger suddenly said in front of our table who was not even included in our conversation. So of course, we looked at her confused. 

"I'm Cora Davila. I'm one of your classmates. Do you mind if I'll join you guys?" 

         Miles with no sense of hesitation immediately said yes. So she gladly sat beside us. With Miles around I don't think there will be enough room for everyone.

"Lynn Valley... There have been a lot of good things in there. Maybe we should try?" Miles considers Cora's idea while I'm still staring at Marco eating his cup of noodles thinking of how I should thank him.

         I'm not that awkward with people. But around him? He's intimidating as fuck and yet, it's college! Humans are supposed to be more mature than high school students. Though Marco? What the heck has he been eating aside from these noodles that made him this weird?

"Hey, Miles. Before we consider that, we should go to our last class knowing that the professor might have something up his sleeve again." Kade's suggestion was the best. That means maybe I could talk to Marco. 

"You guys go first, I'm freaking hungry. I'm gonna eat more than this." Marco excused himself so I asked Miles to go first as well. 

"You don't have to stay here, you know unless you're also hungry." He said while not looking at me and is still emotionless. How can people be emotionless?? Did he even have the slightest idea of what he did earlier? Or he just did that without realizing it was me?

"Marco, Thank you for earlier." 

         Thanking him made him pause eating-- Finally a reaction!

"Can you please get me two dumplings and a can of cola?" 

         Is he stressing out? Was he trying to release his stress by eating? It's unusual but somehow humiliating. He's so fit and he eats this much. That cup of noodles alone makes a huge bowl of it and now he's asking for dumplings. I took some for him and paid for it myself. 

"Eat well and take it easy. You'll get choked on that." I said while handing his food.

"The food is just so good. What can I say?" Those words were back on feeling so empty.

         Slowly, I brought up what happened again earlier. 

"Marco, during the game. Again, I appreciate it. You're very observant, you know that? It makes me remember my sister. She's pretty good with timings too. Every move is calculated. Traffic durations, incoming calls, and every minute of a call. And I always tell her she's weird. Do you have a sibling?" 

         Talking to him like this just feels necessary because he's very distant. Maybe this is a way to cool him down. Or trigger his mind.

"Making me remember my family is not gonna work on me. I know you Amy Wills and let me get this clear to you. I didn't do that for your sake. That bullshit's arrogance annoys me and your victory is the only way to shut him up." 

         This time, Marco finally looked at me with his eyes which seemed like it was filled with so much anger. 

"Oh really? Too bad I'm not gonna get silenced that easily. I'm way over the top to be silenced by ordinary people." Again, Conan appears in the middle of our conversation. Where did he even come from?

         Though what Marco said got me a little bit concerned. 

"Humiliating me there doesn't give you any favor. It will only get you to your worst nightmare." Conan stands confidently looking down at Marco who's still busy with his food.

"Nah, My worst nightmare is right in front of me. You can't even reach her level. So how far can you scare me?" Marco replied.

"Excuse me?" I reacted when he said that I was his worst nightmare. Have I even met him before?! What is his problem with me anyway?! 

"Her?? Your worst nightmare?! Are you in love with her then?!" Conan's response made Marco jump off his seat which startled me. In love? With me? Impossible!

"I am the only son of the late businessman famous here in Vancouver. Guess what? I inherited that business even though I haven't graduated from college yet. How great am I right? It also means that when you try to hurt me, boy, you are going straight to jail." Conan's bragging made me roll my eyes. I can't believe this kind of person existed. I've met different kinds of businessmen since I was young yet I haven't heard a bragging shit like him.

"Marco? Let's just go. Trust me, this is gonna waste our time." I tried to convince Marco to leave with me as I was starting to lose my patience. 

"Excuse me? I could even pay for your time if I want to!" Conan's nonsense is hurting my ears.


         I had enough of this proud attention seeker Conan. Marco then left the scene towards the classroom while I had to go to the restroom to call Malia. After the conversation I had earlier, I knew that I needed to know about these people.

"Hey? Are you busy there?" When Malia finally answered.

"Not much, I'm about to send you the latest reports though. What's up?"

"I need you to look into Marco Holland and Conan Evan's information. These people are both quite annoying and mysterious here. You know, I don't like the feeling of getting left out. Especially Marco Holland looking into him deeply will help." 

"That's odd, I'm pretty sure I let Flynn come with you but why were you suddenly distracted by other guys?"

"Malia, this is serious. He just said that he knew about me. I changed my name before I even came here. And I haven't visited Canada since I was ten."

"Don't worry I'll look into it. Take care." 

"You too. I'll review your report when I get home."

         As the call ended, I was washing my hands on the sink when I suddenly heard someone from inside a cubicle that flushed her toilet. It caught me off guard that I had to run back to my classroom so she wouldn't see my face. Overhearing my conversation is enough. As I arrived at my class, everyone was in groups. Well, indeed the professor was not pleased but I made an excuse that my stomach was not feeling well after we went to the cafeteria. He bought it and just assigned me to a group with Marco, Miles, Kade, and Freya. It was a group of five and I am glad that I was a part of them until…

"Okay, since this subject is about business. What you are all gonna do is you'll choose one famous entrepreneur that you know and research about his/her businesses in their place or the world. That entrepreneur should either own a famous brand or partner with those who own more than three businesses. That's right, we are gonna talk about businessmen and women. Give the most interesting stories that you have from them. And who knows? You might have the chance to meet one of them in the future." Our professor enthusiastically explained the instructions. Which might make me lose my head. 


"I will give you one week for that and for today, you and your group mates are going to choose the entrepreneur that you’re gonna report to." He continued.

I looked at Marco and his face was in shock. He was sweating so badly.

"Excuse me, I'll just go to the restroom." He excuses himself. 

         It confirmed my suspicions about him. He is not the person who I think he is.

         I feel like the anxiousness that he just had and mine was similar. We all know that some of the students here are not from Canada. Some may come from our hometown like I am in New York or from California like Flynn. And usually, intelligent college students don't like choosing very common subjects. They like to choose those that are very interesting and worth the talk. I just hope that I am not one of those and maybe someone felt the same way.

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