
Chapter 8 - Debate


         As soon as Marco arrived our professor also dismissed us, making me feel relieved because the rest of the group couldn't think of any entrepreneur and just decided to talk about it the next day. But fate just keeps mocking us. Our dear professor visited our circle before he left and gave us a subject suggestion to report because he thinks that it is gonna be interesting, especially for our generation.

“Have you thought of which entrepreneur you’re gonna report yet?” He asked.

“No, we can’t think of someone interesting sir,” Freya replied.

“How about you try the HOWARDS or GALIVIOSA? I heard that the owners of those companies are one of the best and they're around your age. It’s a very good example.” 

My eyes widened together with my mouth. We can’t have that topic. I can’t be revealed.

“We’ll talk about it before leaving school. Thank you, professor.” Marco replied all of a sudden when he was not the type of person who would easily agree to someone’s suggestion.

         I dragged Freya out with me to an empty room above our floor excusing ourselves to the restroom. I have no choice but to tell her because I need someone else to convince them not to agree with Galiviosa. 

“Amy? Chill. What’s going on? Are you okay?” She asked while we were on our way to the restroom.

“Freya, please tell me that I can trust you with anything.” As I was holding Freya’s shoulders in a bit of a tense manner.  

“Yeah sure, what is it?” She replied looking worried at me.

“I am the owner of Galiviosa and please don’t tell anyone that I am not Amy Wills but Amaya Wescott. I’m telling you this because I don’t want anyone from our group to choose Galiviosa to report. I’d rather go with Howards... Please.”

         She was silent after I said it and just looked at me with a face that was about to laugh. She doesn't think I am telling the truth.

“You don’t believe me.” I release her from my grip and she can’t help but laugh so hard.

“I can’t believe it! You? The owner of Galiviosa? That woman is famous and you just came here without getting recognized! Stop kiddin’ Amy!” She was holding out her stomach while her other hand was covering her mouth. It was sort of a little insulting. This reaction is quite new to me.

“Do you know the face of Galiviosa?”

         She stopped when I asked her that question and started typing on her phone. She has no idea who Amaya Wescott is and she's probably searching for it to confirm.

"I don't see anyone. But it says Amaya Wescott." She said looking at me as she waved her phone so I took out my wallet and gave her my ID since she still didn't want to believe me.

"Do you need more proof?" I asked her with confidence while I cross-arms.

"You're Amaya Wescott. But how did you get here?" She was flabbergasted by the idea as she returned my ID to me. While I couldn't think of any idea how to make my reason briefer.

         There was so much to explain and I haven't given her all the details that she needs because we still have to show ourselves to the boys who were waiting back at our classroom.

         When we came back, My day just got worse as I didn't expect to argue with Marco.

"So, Kade and I decided to choose Galiviosa. I somehow heard that the CEO of that company was a woman and it's rare to have women in the business world so it would be interesting." Marco explained which made Freya and I look at each other. I bit my lower lip yet I can't think of a way to disagree.

"How about we avoid getting more attention from the class and go to the most common instead?" Freya suggested.

"What do you mean?" Miles asked, noticing the conflict of interest.

"Me and Amy would rather go to Howards instead." 

"Well, That means I'll go with Howards too. Majority wins?" Miles looked at Marco who was glaring at me. 

         I don't know why he's being like this again but I'd love to tease him more. 

"Besides, The Howards has a very good reputation. I bet their CEO is the best." So I joined the conversation. 

"NO. We'll go to Galiviosa." Marco disagreed strongly. He clenched his jaw and his grip on his bag was getting tighter. Yet, I want him to get angrier.

"Why not? Howards has the best rate in California. Their sales were at the highest and the public is a fan of them, even the media." I tried to convince him, which I knew was very hard to do but I am enjoying it.

"Yeah, and I've heard that the CEO is pretty hot as well." Freya sided with me while Kade and Miles just nodded as an act of agreement. But Marco was not happy at all.

"Galiviosa is famous, especially because it is located in New York City. It is much more convincing knowing that the owner of that company is a woman. She's a very good example." Marco, of course, was now starting to get aggressive in explaining this. 

"Howards is known for owning plenty of Casinos in LA and it has great sales. Also, the CEO there doesn't invest that much. That makes their business stable." I opposed the idea while the others are now starting to get curious as to why we are debating this topic.

"No, the Howards CEO is... Dumb that he keeps making it to the paper's headlines because of a competition he always announces."

         Our voices were already echoing inside the room as if it were just the two of us.

"Well, I think that's a good quality of a businessman because in the world of business being competitive is a requirement to raise your good qualities." I made such an excuse even though I am totally against it.

"No, that's bullshit. Galiviosa's record is as clean as it was and you can even look into their profits! It was amazing." 

"Perhaps that's your point of view? But Howards never had a history of Bankruptcy. Galiviosa has."

"Though look at them now? Sparkling at the top!"  

         Why does he have to keep convincing everybody that Galiviosa is at the top? Does he even know what the market that my company has been running? 

"Why do you keep neglecting my ideas?!" I snapped and he was now ready to have a level up to our argument with him one-on-one. Looks like I lost this one.

"Because I know better than you!" He replied in a loud voice taking a step closer to my face.

"Oh really?! Have you met Galiviosa's CEO then?" I am getting furious at the moment and I can’t help it.

"What if I have?"

"Then maybe you are biased. You might be into that girl!" 

"Really Amy? That excuse?"

"Then at least reconsider my idea!"

"Your idea is stupid!"

"And so are you! Why do you hate me so much?!"

"I just naturally do?! Do I need a reason for that?"

"I hate you more!"

Ugh!!!!! Fuck him! 

         All of a sudden my phone rang and I shouted in rage. Everyone who was left in the classroom was already looking in our direction.

“NOW WHAT?!” I exclaimed, taking out the phone in my pocket. 

         When I saw who was calling I immediately went outside to answer Vanique’s call and Marco, Just won’t stop bothering me to finish our argument. He followed me to the hall trying to stop me by grabbing my hand but I just kept on shoving him off.

“Hey! Don’t you just walk on me! We’re not finished talking yet! You know what? You’ve been getting on my nerves ever since you transferred here and I have never gotten annoyed at someone this much.” Marco just won’t stop blabbering while I am trying to figure out what Vanique’s crying voice is trying to say on the phone.

“Why the hell are you following me?!” As I turned back to him glaring and was pretty triggered by how much he contradicted my thoughts.

“I am still talking to you and you turned your back on me.” My eyes widened as he raised his hand and pointed a finger at me. I hated that.

“Can’t you see I’m on a call?”

“That’s just an excuse!”

         I didn't have any other way to shut him up so I pulled his collar to my face and kissed him. It was only a smacked kiss but it kind of took a minute before he even realized it. He was shocked, pushing me away from him. He was silent and just looked at me in shock.

“Done, Now leave!” I said to him while I took a few more steps away from him in the hall. After that, I don’t think I still have to care about his bullshit.

         The school is already empty and this time I can already hear Vanique’s sobbing. It made me worried that my heart started beating fast. I can’t think of any reason why she was upset that it made me overthink. Maybe our parents were taking advantage of my absence and made some changes to my company. Did she have an argument with Noah or our parents? Will my company get bankrupt again? Or Malia, is she okay?

“Amaya...  Malia... She’s at the emergency room right now.” Vanique says in between her sobs that made me so nervous and suddenly I couldn't breathe properly.

         What is she saying? Why would Malia be in the emergency room? She’s like the healthiest person I know. So how come? 

         Slowly things came to my mind that maybe it was because Malia represents me and some of the board members don't like her because of her status. Were they trying to get me back in New York to settle things by hand again? I can’t believe they would go that far.

“What happened?” I asked anxiously.

         I can’t lose Malia. I promised her parents I would take care of her. I can’t break that promise.

“The doctor says it was food poisoning. She just suddenly vomited blood while we were talking earlier.”

“Was she feeling something else before this happened?”

“She only said once to me that her head was not feeling good lately.”

         What the hell was she eating lately?

         With Malia being confined, it will only mean one thing and that is they want me there asap. I don’t care about being here in Canada anymore. These things are just giving me so much hassle. It may have been a good chance to live without my parents but my people are in New York. My actual life is in there. I’ve been living making most decisions for my company and lacking for myself yet it doesn’t matter. Everything that I value is back there. This is just a dumb punishment from my foolish parents who haven’t even raised me and just acted like one since grandma is not with us any longer. I have to go back. I may have appreciated everyone’s presence here but one person is enough to give me a good reason to leave. Besides, Marco is giving me hell in this place. I had enough of his hatred for me.

“Will you be able to book me a flight?” I asked Vanique who was relieved when I said that.

“Yes, I will book a flight for you. When do you want it?”

“Tomorrow. I can’t stand thinking about Malia back here and worrying about the company’s management at the same time. So I have to be there as soon as I can.”

“Copy that.”

         Our call ended and I immediately went back to my hotel. I told Diego about what happened and was worried as well. We all know how Malia is very careful at anything at all.

         While having dinner Freya suddenly called.

“What did you do to Marco?” She asked directly, not waiting for me to say hello.

“Why?” Now that I think about it. I kissed the guy to shut him up and I just forgot about him immediately after I heard the news.

“He was so silent when he  went back to the classroom.”

“Really?” Hilarious, He acts so tough, and yet only a kiss silenced him. Was it his first kiss perhaps? Hmmm... I don’t think so. But why would he react like that?

“Yeah, Totally. Anyway, Miles decided to choose a different company instead so that the two of you won’t  have to argue about it.”

“He should have thought about that when me and Marco were fighting earlier.”

“I told him that too. Another thing? Our Class Group chat has rumors of someone hiding their real identity already and so is the School Council’s Group chat. I just think that you needed to know that.”

         After that toilet incident, I already knew that something like this will happen soon so I am not surprised at all. 

“Do they have any suspicions about someone?”

“Well, first thing, they thought that it was a first year. Because it happened on the Cafeteria floor where the Freshmen’s classrooms are located. So none of the second years are suspected.”

“I wished they would suspect  Conan though.” I joked.

“Hahahaha Amy, Of course, they knew that it was a woman because it was inside a women’s restroom.”

         Having someone else stress out about this is not something that I wished for. My existence in this place was already a bother to everyone who needs to adjust. Not to mention Flynn whom I brought along with me.

"Do you have Marco's number by the way?" A totally unrelated question was suddenly asked by Freya.

"Umm... Yeah, why? Miles gave it to me. He said I might need it just in case. Which I don't think is necessary for me. I don't like him anyway."

"Can I have it?" Freya's tone was hyped which made me conclude something. I know that tone.

"Sure. I'll send it to you later. About the project? I don't think I'll be able to attend tomorrow because of some emergencies."

"No problem. I hope I can visit New York soon." 

"You will be alright after I'll figure things out."

         For someone like Freya? I didn't expect her to like Marco. He is pretty aggressive and she's a very gentle woman. The most chill among all the girls I've met there. Though here she is, admiring an asshole like him. 

         Again, I thought of the absence I am going to make starting tomorrow will only add to their suspicions. Should I just come back then till everything is settled? I can't just ghost my friends. Thinking about this just made me get out of my room and smoke by the balcony. All of a sudden I saw Conan downstairs. He saw me smoking and waved at me. I don't have any idea how he ended up finding where I was though so I went downstairs informing Flynn and Diego who were watching TV in my room. 

         He just smiled at me and I gave him a 'What are you doing here?' look. He seems odder than usual and to be honest? I felt uncomfortable around him.

"Hey, I like you." He suddenly said out of nowhere.

"What?" I was very confused. Is he out of his mind?

"When I say I like you, you should appreciate it." 

"Why would I?"

"Because it was coming from me! And I am the richest man around here!" 

         I noticed a fuddled act from him so I tried to get a little close to him to smell him. He's been drinking and yet here he goes acting more of a fool.

"Conan you're drunk."

"You know what? Instead of shouting at me earlier? You should have kissed me instead, like what you did to Marco."

         Wait a second? He saw it?! But I was sure that no one was there.

         Then he walked towards me and started smelling my hair. It totally creeped me out. That made me slap him. Of course, he was not happy with what I just did. So he started releasing force pulling me to get near him. His face was on my neck already and I never once liked every sensation he was trying to imply. I don't want to be with him right now. 

"Conan stop," I begged trying to pull myself away from him. 

         This time, I knew that this scene was way too familiar. A part of my memory, I can't forget. Everything started to blur. I slowly can't feel my body anymore and I don't even know if I am still moving or not. I suddenly got paralyzed for a moment.

         When I saw someone running towards me and started to punch Conan in the face. I was not sure how I'll react. I just looked at them blankly punching each other. The next thing I knew was that I was already inside a cemetery.

Arthreen Tiu

Hello Lovies! I hope you enjoyed Prideful Lust even though it's still at its first 8 chapters. Commenting below would be really much appreciated so I would know your feelings towards reading it. I hope you'll continue supporting my novel till its last chapter. ^v^

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