
Chapter 4: Dhanishta Baidwani

When I reach infront of the luxurious mansion, I can't help but envy my sister. No, don't go there, hani! You too have it all back at home, a big apartment, and most importantly your dad. Yes, I have my dad. I say to myself, smiling. I ring the bell and soon the door is opened by a maid there and she let me enter the mansion. Upon entering, I find Mr. Rossi sitting on the couch with his wife, and beside them is a girl wearing a floral white sundress. She looks exactly like me, same facial features, same eyes. Just our hair is different. That is my sister. A small smile etches on my lips. She is beautiful, just like our mother.

"Ms. Baidwani, come, come." Says Mr. Rossi which pulls my attention to him. I nod in acknowledge as I stroll towards them. Mr. and Mrs. Rossi stand up but my sister stays seated with her eyes boring into her phone. She is looking the least interested to meet me. I sigh.

Does she know that I am her sister?

"Hello, dear. I am Isabella Rossi, Arabella's mother." She greets me with a brief hug.

"Hello, I am Dhanishta Baidwani. Nice to meet you, ma'am." I reply politely. She smiles and looks at Arabella.

"Honey! Come meet your sister. She is Dhanishta, your twin." She tells her. Arabella exhales heavily and looks up at me with a bored expression. "Hello, sister. It's nice to meet to you." She says and goes back to scroll through her phone. Mrs. Rossi frowns and snatches her phone away. "That is no way to talk to your sister, Ara!" She scolds her but she just rolls her eyes at her and stands up.

"Sorry, mom. Sorry 'sister'. But I will go to my room now." She announces and goes away. What a spoiled brat! I scoff.

"I am sorry, Dhanishta. She is just moody sometimes. Don't mind her." Says Mrs. Rossi apologetically. I shake my head.

"It is alright. Can we talk for what I am here?" I ask coming to the point. Mr. Rossi nods.

"Sure, Ms. Baidwani. Come, sit." He says and leads me to sit on the couch. Mrs. Rossi sits beside me. "The thing is, the Morellis family is coming tonight, for dinner, so that their son can meet Arabella in person. And I can't stall them any longer. What should we do now?" He explains to me. I nod slowly.

"Don't worry, sir. We will do the things just as we have planned it. Let them come. I will manage everything. Just make Arabella ready for everything that has to come her way." I tell him to which he nods in agreement.


Darin's POV

"So, let us now read about phylum chordata. Turn to page number 78, all of you." Our professor announces and I come back from my daydream. I was again drowning myself in the thoughts of mesmerizing deep chocolate brown eyes of hers. I close my eyes for a brief second to shake those thoughts off my mind. Why am I thinking about her? I don't know if I will ever be able to see her again. I don't know why she was there yesterday, and why she saved me from those boys. I let out an exasperated sigh and try to concentrate on what our professor is saying.


Tonight, we are going to the Rossi mansion. I don't think that I have met them before. It would be my first time going to their house ever. All I know about them is that their daughter is my betrothed. How? I don't know! When? I have no idea!

Hell! I don't even know her name. Am I really going to get engaged to her?

All my dad has said to me is that I need not worry because I will not be marrying her. It is just an engagement. Maybe for publicity stunt? I don't really know.

Urghhh...This all is giving me a headache now. No, I can't lose my focus now. I have a seminar to give in just five days and I have to prepare for it.

Just when I am about to start my preparation, my phone rings. I see to find that it is my mom.

"Yeah, mom."

"Baby? You sound tired. Are you alright?" She asks worriedly.

"Yeah, mom. I am fine. It is just that all the preparation for the upcoming exams is taking a toll on me." I say.

"Why don't you come and live in the mansion with us, baby? I am sure that you are not eating well." She rants like a typical mom. I chuckle at that.

"Mom, I assure you that I am eating well. I don't starve myself, I swear. But now I have to go, I have a lot of preparation to do for my upcoming seminar. I will call back later, okay?"

"Okay, okay. But remember, you have to be here by seven tonight or your dad will get moody again." I laugh.

"I swear dad is getting moodier than a lady in her periods."

"Hey, don't say like that." She warns me playfully before laughing at my comment.

"Okay, I will hang up now."

"Okay. Bye baby!" I hang up. Then I start by making notes on the topic I have chosen.

Soon, I become tired and decide to take a break. But when I look at the clock, my eyes widen. How come could I not notice it? It is already six and I have to be in the mansion before seven, and then we have to leave for the Rossis'.

"Oh, hell no!" I grumble and run into my bathroom to get freshened up.

After taking a quick, warm shower, I come out and decide to wear a simple light yellow button down shirt with demin jeans. I won't go for anything fancy tonight. I put on my chronograph watch and shoes. I then wear my favorite deodorant and I am ready. Getting in my car, I drive towards my parents' mansion.

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