
09. The Invitation

It's lunchtime and Astrid was now walking in the pathway with her unusual grin. She didn't go to the cafeteria and decided to go check some books in the library to see what would be the nicest book to read for today. She's not that hungry at all, in fact she is used to not eating much food. While she was walking down the corridor towards the school library's building, she noticed something. She paused for a moment and turned her back to see what's behind her.

Astrid could feel that somebody was following her, she never saw someone when she turned her back to look, and so she continued walking.

While walking silently something got into her mind, "Hmm three men and I'm done for this week." She whispers as excitement begins to arise from her system, her aura today is more different, she's quite happy and in a good mood. The other students were surprised by her change and it made them hate her more.

When she entered the library, she passed by the counter where the school
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