



I had just finished making out with the sexy brunette I picked from the club yesterday when

Jason's call came in.

"Where are they"

"There are here and safe "

"Did you leave traces "

"No we didn't " with that I ended the call.

That was all i needed to hear, turning my head I met the the rosy lips of the brunette, we were at

it all day and she is still not tired, such prowess for a lady , well that's how I loved them.

Getting up from the bed,with the blanket wrapped around my waist, i made my way into the bathroom, turning on the shower , i washed off the memories of the previous session as I always do, after towelling my body, i tied the towel loosely around my waist, coming out of the bathroom I was stunned to find her still in my bed , I'm sure she didn't get the message.

"Hey , what do you think you're doing" I said realizing I don't know her name

"What ?"

"Why are you still in the bed?"

"I was waiting for you to finish up from the bathroom so I could shower too " she explained looking so lost and ignorant.

"Get up!,get your things and leave at once " I barked without any sense of emotion, I enjoyed seeing her scared , watching her gather her clothes and shoe , half naked, she ran out.

It wouldn't be a surprise to my domestic staff, seeing a naked woman run out of my room , it happens frequently, it was due to their inability to remember, because I always tell them before bringing them home that I do not want to see them once the sun begins setting. I was close to beating the last one I brought home last week, I woke up as early as four AM , walking to the kitchen to take a bottle of water, I met her making breakfast.

Furious I smashed the plates she was slicing the vegetables into , scared to her bone marrows , same time confused on what she had done , I kicked her out of the kitchen , it was my housekeeper, Mary ,who had helped her out of the house , probably with an explanation to make her feel better.

I'm no beast , but one thing I detested was commitment, because it gave room for love , and love makes us weak. That seemed to be what they are all wanted , tying you down in the name of love , and swoon all your money . I had never been interested in settling down , that explains the fact that I never had a particular woman for the night , this wasn't had , I have the money , affluence and wasn't that what mattered the most ?.

After I made the least stressful attempt at knoting my tie , no doubt it was good!, I headed downstairs for breakfast. Climbing down the stairs, I saw my food covered on the table.


"Yes sir" she answered scurrying from the kitchen

"Have you prepared the two rooms I asked you to"

"Yes sir , I did so since yesterday"

"Alright, we are expecting a young lady and her mother , any moment from now, do well to show them round "

"Okay sir , sir if you don't mind me asking, this people seem to be of tangible value to you , who are they?"

"Of course I mind you asking, do as I say and stop asking me unnecessary questions " I told her almost calmly. She was one person I found hard been harsh to, even when I did she always understands and takes it calmly.

She was my nanny from age zero , she worked for the man I once called father, she always supportive towards my mother , even times when my father attacked her . My mum once told me how she put her life at risk the day my younger sister, Tracy, was born , my dad had claimed the child didn't look like him and wasn't his , so he locked, my mother and my sister up , asking that my mother confessed whom the father was.

Mary out of pity and love , sneaked to give my mother food in the evening, halfway through the corridor where they were locked , my father got a glimpse of her and ordered she was kept in a darker room , she was badly beaten and bruised by my father's men.

Those were one of the few daring sacrifices she made , that planted a soft spot for her in my heart .

After settling down to my breakfast of bacon eggs , bread and tea, I stood up to go , I had instructed Mary on what to do . They were due to arrive in an hour , they were supposed to get here yesterday night , but I didn't want any traces , santiago was no one to be messed with , I had their flights changed over at South Africa.

Getting outside my house , Andrew my driver was already waiting at the driver's seat, I got into the back seat , and slammed shut .

"Good morning, sir"

"Morning" I hummed a response in return , andrew was one of the few person's who u understood me , he has been working for me for five years now. The last driver was sacked for missing one of my appointments, Andrew tries his best in that regard.

"I have an appointment by four at Kingston's" I said not tearing my eyes away from the email charlotte,my secretary just sent.

In no seconds , we pulled up at the office, I made my way to my private elevator, as soon as I entered , everyone went still as though the image of zeus had been brought in for homage , well I was used to this . I never had a problem with it , so far they were scared of me and carried out their duties well , it was the least thing I worried about.

The elevator stopped at the last floor , I got out and walked to my office, on my way I saw charlotte already seated in her position,she was radiant and scantily dressed as always.

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