
Chapter 10

Amaris was so surprised and over joyed, she ran up the steps and pulled Gran into a big hug.

“You are safe! Oh I missed you so much. I was so worried.” Amaris released Gran to look at her. Her short stature and kindly face had always made Amaris feel like she was safe. There was something special about the way she felt with her.

Gran let go of Amaris and reached out for Lyle as he came up the steps and gave him a hug as well. Gran patted the side of his face and said again “I knew you could find her.”

Amaris was about to speak but Gran turned to her, “I know you have a million questions, but we need to get inside first and get you taken care of.” Gran reached an arm around Amaris’ back and walked her to the door. Lyle had gotten there ahead of them and was holding it open for them. She walked into a cozy living room that opened into the kitchen-dining area. It was exactly what she imagined a log cabin to be. Exposed beams in the walls and ceiling as well as a wood plank floor. It even had a double sided stone fireplace. There were stairs to one side that lead up to a loft and stairs behind those leading down. Next to the staircase there was a door leading into a bedroom.

Gran led Amaris to a couch and sat her down and took the place next to her. Gran took Amaris’ hand and looked at her “Amaris, you have had quite a day from what I have heard. Lyle called me to let me know that those people were up at the school asking to see you. I asked Sheriff Reid to goto the school and take care of it. They had left school this morning and we thought they were gone. We did not know that they had come back to the school and were able to get you on the ball field. I am so glad you are safe dear. I was so worried. I am very sorry about your friend.”

Tears began to fall from Amaris’ eyes. “So Heather is dead? And how about Mr. Clark and Mrs. Bass?”

“I am afraid that neither Heather nor Mrs. Bass made it Amaris. Mr.Clark is in surgery but they expect him to make a full recovery. No one else from your class was hurt. When you ran, the men all followed you into the woods. Everyone else was able to get away safely. You got away from them too. How?” Gran put her hand under Amaris’ chin and handed her a tissue with the other.

Hesitantly Amaris began to explain about the paths in the woods and how she eluded the men that were chasing her. How she had gotten across the bridge and cut it before the men were able to get across.

Lyle looked at Amaris with wonder and said “that was a great idea. I am glad that you were able to make it work. “. Amaris thought that he was holding something back.

She turned to Gran and opened her mouth to speak. Gran cut her off. “Amaris I have a lot of things to tell you. I had planned to tell you all this tonight after your birthday party and under happier circumstances. As always the best place to start is at the beginning. “ Amaris nodded her head, tears still stuck to her cheeks.

“Your parents were the leaders of this village that we are in now. They left the village when they realized that they were expecting you. After you were born, they decided it would be safer for you to stay where they were. When you were 4 months old your mother received word that her father was dying and he had asked for her. They decided to come back in secret. They knew that once they were inside the gates they would be okay, but the trip getting to the city would be dangerous. They decided to come at night hoping that the darkness would allow them to sneak back. They thought that no one else knew they were coming, but they were attacked part way up the mountain. They almost made it to the city when they were run off the road. Somehow your car seat was thrown clear of the car before it went in the river and they thought that you drowned with your parents that night.” Gran reached down and took Amaris’ hand. “Your parents were dear friends of mine. I knew your mother from the time that she was a baby and I was present at your father’s birth. I was also present at your birth. Which is not today.”

Amaris’ eyes flashed up to Gran’s. “What do you mean today is not my birthday?”

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