
Chapter 3 - Khalid

I knew that the Hunters would eventually catch up with me. All I did was give myself a head start. I had only hoped it would have been long enough.

But as I reached the border to Mexico, it became very apparent it wasn’t. I was trying to blend in with other vehicles crossing as I noticed Blaine glaring at me from the truck behind me.

I knew I should have killed him. But that would have drawn more attention than I wanted. I glanced to either side of me, and I saw Benton Nye and Fredrick Clayton with more American Hunters in tow.

Just great, I don’t need this bullshit. I hope these Americans won’t be stupid enough to cause an incident while crossing the board.

They can’t be that dumb. Right? We are in a very public setting with government officials. No hunter is dumb enough to risk getting the government involved in our business.

Oh, how wrong I was. These idiots were much dumber than I expected.

I was one car from getting across the border when the idiot in the passenger seat of Fredrick’s vehicle on my left and Benton on my right rolled their windows down. Please, God or whatever Deity might be listening, don’t let them do anything stupid.

“We will make you pay for what you did, Khalid!” Benton shouted, the barrel of a gun becoming visible above the edge of the window frame.

I heaved a sigh, ducking as the morons open-fired. As they stupidly shot at each other, I slammed the gas, forcing the car ahead of me through the border.

Border patrol was arming up, rushing in our direction, torn between dealing with the two vehicles firing weapons or chasing after me. Blaine didn’t give Benton or Fredrick and their passengers a second thought as he surged after me, chasing me into Mexico.

God damn it! So because of these American idiots, I not only have been but the American and Mexican border patrol chasing me.

“Fuck! “ I shouted.

I sharply turned the wheel, going off-road into the desert in an attempt to lose them. The vehicle’s onboard GPS was going nuts since I wasn’t on the road.

The only bright side, after I got far enough, the border patrols all stopped chasing. Blaine, however, has not stopped. He and however many assholes he packed into his truck were still behind me.

I need a way to get rid of them, either delay or permanently get rid of them. I kept glancing around, trying to think. I don’t like going somewhere without a plan.

“Think Khalid. You are in the Vampire capital state of Mexico.” I encouraged myself.

“You need to find a nest. Not a full clan, but a nest will do. A nest of vampires will be able to slow down and, with luck, end Blaine and his pals.” I smiled as a plan formed in my mind.

“G****e! Set destination of El Delirio!” I instructed.

I think the device was just happy to have a destination as it directed me to a road. I have no idea what the speed limit is here, and I don’t care. I need to reach El Delirio

fast but without losing Blaine.

I know there is said to be a nest of forty vampires there. The last hunter that went after the nest took five men with him, and only he limped out of there a few pints of blood short but alive.

And like the idiot he is, Blaine was right on my tail. They’ve already managed to shoot out my tail lights. At least I’ve managed to prevent them from taking out a tire.

I could see the lights of El Delirio up ahead. It looks like luck is on my side as the sun is setting. Perfect, that means the nest will be waking up.

I took the chance and rammed my SUV into the side of a barn at the edge of town driving straight through. My risk at least paid off as it was where the nest was squatting. And like shaking a hornet’s nest, I just pissed them off.

Blaine followed me through the barn at his own risk as multiple vampires had jumped on their vehicle, looking to kill them. It didn’t stop Blaine from finally managing to take out one of my tires, causing me to crash into a tree.

“Fuck…” I groaned, grabbing my bag and slipping my Adio talisman over my head for protection.

As several vampires rushed to me, I dug out the irradiation gun from my bag. I didn’t think I would cross paths with vampires, but here we are. But I never travel unprepared.

I fired the blast of radiated UV light that killed vampires in mass from the inside out, leaving them burnt-out husks as if they’d stepped into the midday sun. Not many hunters have this; it’s still something being tested by those within the inner circle of the guild.

I watched without remorse as I saw the four men Blaine had with him getting turned into dinner by these vampires. Blaine was doing his best to hold his own, and I thought to help him for a moment.

That moment went out the window when he aimed at me instead of trying to stop the vampires. It would have killed me if someone hadn’t knocked me to the ground.

I blinked as I realized it was a vampire who’d just saved me, at risk to herself as my talisman sent her flying back with an equal force she used to know me down. Why did she do that?

“You sicken me! First werewolves and now vampires! Traitor!” Blaine shouted as he used his machete to cut his way through the vampires.

“Since you have such a soft heart, let’s see how you like it when I kill someone who saved you.” Blaine sneered, grabbing the woman by her hair.

She screamed, cussing him out in Spanish as she clawed at him. Fighting isn’t her forte. If she’s not a fighter, why did she even get involved? She stopped her fighting as Blaine put his bloodied machete to her throat.

“Put your weapons down and come with me quietly, and maybe I’ll spare this pathetic, vile creature. Her life for yours.” Blaine ordered.

I could see the fear in the woman’s eyes. She may be a vampire, but I owe her my life. I can’t just let Blaine kill her. But I also can’t let him take me in. I’ll be dead or worse and won’t be able to protect my sister.

“Alright… hold your horses.” I sighed, dropping my bag of weapons.

The look of triumph on Blaine’s face was short-lived as I activated the mechanism for my small concealed pistol on my wrist to pop out into my hand. One quick shot at his shoulder made him drop the machete.

“You need to go.” I urged the woman.

“RUN!” I shouted at her as she didn’t move.

When she finally did start to move, it wasn’t fast enough. Blaine had grabbed her again, and I didn’t have a choice this time. I shot him in the heart.

“Good fucking riddance.” I spat, grabbing my bag.

I glanced at the nest of vampires feeding on the others and knew I needed to move quickly before they decided I was next. Talisman or not, they’d find a way to kill me.

“Venir.” The woman gestured for me to follow her.

I don’t have much choice but to trust her. She did risk her life for me. So with a nod, I followed her to a vehicle not far away.

“Why did you do that?” I questioned, glancing back, making sure we weren’t being followed.

“They were chasing you. Your kind is hunting you.” She shrugged.

“But I killed several vampires back there.” I furrowed my brow.

“Self-defense is self-defense, Khalid Adio.” She smirked.

“How do you know my name?” I questioned.

“I know many things. I’m Diana. They call me the Keeper or Spy around here. I knew you were coming. Since you saved my life twice from that douchebag, I’ll get you to a safe house.” Diana offered.

“And what will that cost me?” I was skeptical of any aid.

“Well, aren’t you shrewd? But you’re right; I want something in return. There is a friend of mine at this safe house already. Protect her during the day, and you can stay.” Diana explained.

I frowned and considered the option. I suppose there is nothing wrong with getting help from a new source. I’ll still want to be cautious, but it’s not like I can trust my old sources from the guild.

“You’ve got a deal.” I nodded.

“Good. Rest I’ll drive. We will need to rest between here and there. It will be better to arrive after sunset tomorrow. My friend will be in a better mood after she feeds. Tonight will be her hunting night.” Diana explained.

“I suppose it’s better to meet this person when they are full rather than hungry.” I agreed, leaning cautiously on the window.

I didn’t fully trust this Diana woman even with my talisman on. We hadn’t driven very long when we pulled off into the city of Hermosillo, maybe three hours later. My rest was light, so I could wake quickly and be ready to fight.

“We will crash here till the next sunset.” Diana explained as she parked outback of a boarded-up house.

“You can rest here. I’m going to go feed and bring you back food.” She instructed, leading the way inside.

I shouldn’t have followed her, but I did. Something told me I could trust her. So I let myself sleep on the sofa of the abandoned place.

I didn’t wake up until well after sunrise. Diana trusted me as she was asleep. At least she did bring me food. I wasn’t sure where she was taking me, and the thought of leaving did cross my mind more than once, but I stayed.

At sunset, she woke, placing a call to someone before we left Hermosillo. The drive to our final destination was silent. I felt on edge as I realized she was taking me to Guaymas. No Hunter would dare enter this area. It was the capital of the Sonora clan.

I was somewhat surprised as we arrived at a rather night southwestern-style house. I was expecting something like the last safe house. But I guess the benefit of being within Guaymas is that the vampires don’t try to hide but blend with the humans.

“You can take the bedroom upstairs. Stay inside and do not leave. I have to meet with my friend.” Diana instructed before locking me in the house.

“Fuck.” I groaned.

This better not be a trap. I don’t feel like being turned over to the clan leader or served as dinner to her friend.

I couldn’t sit still, wandering the house, finding nothing that told me about whose home this was. The first-floor bedroom had a closet of women’s clothes varying from utilitarian in nature to hot club clothes.

It had been over an hour since Diana had left. I was starting to get worried as she burst inside.

“Come… quickly… bring that gun. She’s under attack.” Diana was gasping for air, visibly shaken.

“Show me where.” I instructed, quickly grabbing my irradiation gun and machete.

The scene I arrived at was impressive. Whoever this friend of Diana’s was, she was a fighter. But she was caught.

I wrinkled my nose hearing the one holding Diana’s friend hostage suggesting assaulting her. What is it with assholes like this that seem to think women are for their pleasure whether they want it or not?

I was having none of that as I sliced his head off using it like a football to hit the leader of these idiots in the face. I don’t know if they are here because of me or Diana’s friend. But I’m not looking for answers right now. I want them dead.

Getting the woman behind me to avoid being affected, I lit the group of vampires up, sending them to wherever vampires go when they die. I don’t care where they go either, just that they are dead.

I turned my head as the woman exclaimed, “Holy shit.”

I know many vampires are attractive, especially certain bloodlines. It’s a necessity to be attractive to lure in their prey. I know better than to think this but fuck Diana’s friend is hot.

And since I looked through her wardrobe, I’m not picturing what she’d look like in that little red number. Not to knock her tight black jeans and white tank top look she’s got going right now.

“Daniela, meet Khalid and vice versa. Congrats, your roommates! And you’ve already bonded over the carnage.” Diana smiled.

Daniela gave me a slow once over. I don’t know if she’s weighing and measuring me for her next meal or why that sounds like fun.

She was satisfied with whatever she was looking for, offering her hand.

“Gracias.” That simple word took a new meaning in her seductive voice.

I glanced at her hand and noticed she was getting pissed I wasn’t shaking it.

“Oh, hold on.” I held my hand up and took my talisman off to shake her hand.

“You had to remove your jewelry to shake my hand?” Daniela scoffed.

“It’s a talisman. It protects anyone of my bloodline who wears it from the supernatural. If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t be able to shake hands.” I explained.

“Is that so?” She arched her brow, looking at the talisman in my hand.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Your friend learned that the hard way when she tackled me and got thrown back with equal force as she bounced off the invisible force field that protects me.” I explained

“Interesting. We need to get off the streets. Let’s get to my place.” She shrugged, letting my hand go, taking point and leading the way back to the house.

Have to say not a bad view from back here.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Yazmin Teran
I'm from Hermosillo, How do they live here, it's a Desert?

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