


Hearing the gentle click of the door, Sebastian walked down the hallways and left me to sleep. He tucked me in like a giant burrito along with Bob, thinking I would be simply fine without him.

Oh, if he only knew.

Somehow, I had calmed my heart when he ‘rocked’ me to sleep, making him think that I was zonked. It was weird. My heart was now both a voluntary and involuntary muscle response. Unlike humans, you can’t control your heartbeat, it kind of just does its thing. Not when you are a vampire. I could slow it, make it move faster, or match Sebastian's.

So freaking weird.

While he held me, I slowed it, to help soothe myself and keep it from beating out of my chest. It kept me grounded; it kept me from ripping through the room and claw every pillow until feathers dusted every surface. Slowing it down so much, he must have thought I had truly fallen asleep.

Sebastian did what he could. I knew he was upset, but there wasn’t anything he could do to help me with the feeling I
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goodnovel comment avatar
mélanie lamontagne
i feel bad for wyatt..hope we see him again..2400 years without a mate..must be hard
goodnovel comment avatar
Shanna Eskelson
I can’t stop reading!
goodnovel comment avatar
Selma Cole
It was good to get Wyatt/Ir’ak’s side of the story and he did the decent thing in the end and admitted to what he did. Hopefully now Christine can move on with her happy life with Sebastian

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