
Chapter six

        A third sense told him to beg or plead persuasively. But he hadn't used the "please" word in decades. "C'mon. Let's just get married. It's just for a year. I really need to be married. I'm ready to accept any terms or demands you give. Whatever it is. After a year, I'd settle you with any amount you need and you'd go back to your life." 

                  First of all, she was shocked at the offer. It was totally unexpected. Secondly she was pissed. He was asking her with such arrogance as if he knew she can never say no. Common sense told her to tell him to fuck off and leave him to deal with his mishap. But here she was, rooted to the spot. Her tongue heavy to speak. She was shocked that she was actually considering the offer. she just couldn't help it. Of course, any lady on earth would jump at the offer with her both hands and both legs too. He is, afterall, everything a woman would ever want in a man. 

                 But she had always prided herself that she wasn't just any woman. But standing right there, all those resolves, all those pride disappeared. And to think, it's just for a year right? What's the harm? But am I ready to get married?" she wondered. "How can I get married to someone I don't really know? Someone I don't love? She pondered. She has always been his secret admirer for years. And had his pictures, she used to stare at, to dream and fantasize. But is crush enough reason to get married to someone? How about Sam? How will he take this?" Michael suddenly held her hands and Sam disappeared from her memory. All the turbulent questions fighting in her mind vanished. She stood, lost in his gaze. He smiled. Charming her, Sending her heart racing. At that moment she couldn't say no. She even forgot a word like "no" existed. "Marry me. I promise to make this one year the best year of your life. Forget any thoughts. Forget any hesitation. Just say yes. 

             "Yes" She said. "I'd marry you." He smiled fully, showing his dimples she never knew he had. "Thanks. For saving me from national humiliation and embarrassment. D'you think her wedding dress would fit you? I can order a new one." He said, checking his wristwatch. "It'd fit" She said feeling unexpectedly happy. "But you will have to promise me one thing." He came closer. "What's that?" He asked, smiling presumptuously. What could her request be that he couldn't afford? He asked himself. "For this one year. Promise you'd never cheat on me." He paused. He wasn't expecting that. "Promise me you'd keep yourself just for me. Promise me I'd be the only woman in your life this one year." She was asking for commitment. Something he has never giving anyone in his life. But he could manage for one year right? "Okay. I promise," he said raising his right hand up as if before the courtroom. "I'd never cheat on you." She nodded, and for the first time, smiled beautifully. "Okay. I'd go change now. I have to get ready for my wedding. He laughed. "Alright. I'd communicate with the priest and get things adjusted." She nodded and turned to leave. "Erm... Savannah," he called. "How about sex. You know we can't be married for a year without sex.." She paused, shocked. She hadn't considered that. How will she tell him she is a virgin and has never had sex before? "Erm... Whenever I'm ready, we will." Although he didn't understand what she meant by that, he nodded. Before he could say anything else, she had left. 





               Sam sat on the edge of his desk. It was weekend and usually he wouldn't be at the office. But he didn't mind. Afterall he had no one to spend the weekend with. A scenerio he was sure to fix in the evening. He smiled broadly, remembering his date with Savannah that evening. He opened the tiny jewelry box in his hand and brought out a gold engagement ring. He admired it for a while, seeing the scene play out before his eyes. Him, on one knee and Savannah shouting "Yes!!" and they'd hug and kiss passionately to the loud applause of everyone around, watching. He felt so good and happy with himself. 

                       Returning the ring to the box, he checked his watch to see it was few minutes past 10am. Perfect time. He was sure the good news was already making headlines. He imagined the headline- WEDDING OF THE CENTURY TO RIDICULE OF THE CENTURY. BRIDE ABSENT!! He smiled. He was sure if he goes into journalism, he'd win an Emmy award or something. Walking back to his seat, he opened a flask and retrieved some ice cubes. He placed them in a glass and poured in some whiskey. He relaxed like a king, hanging his right leg on the arm rest and leaning back on the chair. Taking a sip.

                     He pressed the power button on the TV remote, and leaned forward expectantly. It took him a while to process what he was seeing on the TV set. He couldn't believe. He stood up abruptly from his chair, dropping his glass noisily on the desk, almost spilling it's contents. Before him was a live broadcast. The channel he had expected to be showing the headline news was instead, showing a life broadcast of a wedding ceremony. The headline he hated so much was still there: WEDDING OF THE CENTURY. He walked closer to the TV set, hoping it was another wedding. But no. He saw Michael Verrati in a gorgeous designer suit, smiling chiefly as his bride in veil, marched towards him holding a pink bouquet of flowers. The distinguished guests were all on their feet, in adulation and cheering.             

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