

"What do you mean." Kyla ask as her dad glance at her. She could see regret, pain, all written invisibly in his face.

"I know, I know I'm meant to be a good dad, I should take all burden and make you my kids, happy. But I am failing" Her dad, Mr Jagan, began. His voice shaky as if he was about crying, making Kyla emotional.

"Dad what's it!" Kyla half yell, worried already. She has never seen her dad feeling so dejected and meltdown like this before. She was beginning to feel curious of what's happening

Her dad placed his palm on her hand, as he stare at her so deeply.

"You saw the woman." Mr Jagan rhetorically ask.

Kyla look confused at first, before recollecting that it could be the strange woman she saw, The woman whom was escorted by cars.

She wonders why a powerful person would come into her house and make her family wistful and heartbroken.

She glance at her elder brother who have an unpredictable look.

"Yes I saw her." She decided to talk.

Her dad cleared his throat. 

" I owe her. " He expounded and Kyla look awkward.

"Owe... How?" Kyla ask full with curiosity.

"He is owing the woman money! A tight debts." Her mum, Mrs Jagan tell and Kyla look aghast!

Her dad is a politician, and a successful one at that. She lacked nothing from her dad, or even her family in whole.

So why would he go into a debts! They are rich enough to fend for themselves. And a reputable family, so why the tight debts.?

"Dad." Kyla called. " Is it true? why?" she ask, not believing what her mum said.

She looks astonished, her dad's silent, only means one thing. That it's true.

"Why did you go into having a tight debts, with someone's who is not a bank! " She nagged rushing her words.

She hate it. Seeing her family so downcast, and in troubles.

"Dad." She called, her dad head went bow.

"Okay. " She sniff, not ready to cry." How much are we talking about?" She ask inquisitively as if she can solve the situation.

" It's a big debts." Her dad mutters, guilty. "An--"

" Five hundred millions pounds. " Morris, her brother interrupts.

" What the Fu--" Kyla gasp, in surprise. "But how;" She exclaimed, beginning to feel that it's was real. And what happening with her family now is not a joke.

"Dad... How!?" She questions unbelievable of her dad's action.

Tight debts! And the thoughts of her dad seeming to feel like he can't do nothing is really making her feel threatened and teary.

"Okay, what to do" She rhetorically asks.

"It's due time already, and Mrs Wallow, is threatening on making life unbearable for us. " Morris tell and Kyla imagines the Mrs Wallow to be the woman.

"She gives us two days." Morris say and laugh inwardly, like he is about to feel fed up and wished to just run away.

He is Twenty five years old, and he has a petty business of running furnitures. He stopped his college school days, cause he thoughts he is too old for school already. So, he went into this business. Making some small sales and supporting the needs of the family. Kyla considers him a good brother.

Her dad, was only concerned about his politics. He traded his life to winning the election, but he failed. And that failure is bringing him this debt.

"What's to do." She ask for the hundredth time, so worried.

She sigh. "Okay, let's discuss this later." Kyla say with a small smile as she take her backpack and walk to her room.

Her family is looking so moody, and it's making her freak out. Like she don't know what to do, or wished to know what to do but don't know...

She walks to her room, as she lock the door behind.

She bite her inner cheek as she try to calm herself.

Okay, now. Only Charlotte can help! She thought as she walk to her study table.

She took the phone on the table. As she unlock it and dialed Charlotte number.

If she thinks too much about, she don't know what to do.

Within the second weeks, She pick up.

"Hey" Charlotte say, munching could be heard from the other end of the call.

"Your back right" Kyla say 

"Yes. And eating, you've eaten dinner too yet? " Charlotte ask

" With the situation now, I can't. " She say 

" Hey! You okay. " Charlotte ask. "What happened, okay. You know what. Do not ponder too much about whatever is going on. Have a good shower and sleep tight... I will be meeting you tomorrow " She say rushing her words

Kyla smile, Charlotte was always helping, which made her love her the more as a best friend.

"Okay then. Thanks." She say

"Do remember my words okay. I will be in your house, first thing tomorrow. " She assured and Kyla hume.


" What! " Charlotte exclaimed surprised

"Five hundred and.... Wait, Millions, and pounds? " Charlotte ask widening her eyes.

" Don't be sarcastic. " Kyla smirk as she stands up to lock her bed room door.

It's weekend Morning already, and Kyla woke up still bothering about her family new big problem.

She isolated herself from the past night, feeling weird about how quite her home has become. She could remember how lousy her home used to be every weekend morning, but today. It's seems like someone had die.

The food no longer seem eatable, the atmosphere of the house ls far way quieter than a graveyard.

She knows the so called Mrs Wallow must have been a big bone in the throat.

Earlier that morning, before Charlotte arrived. Kyla had searched on internet about who the Mrs Wallow might be. And to her greatest surprise, she is the one her family shouldn't have gotten into.

"I will be stopping school soon." Kyla say 

"sorry" Charlotte said as if she did not hear right." You aren't the one in debts." She reminds

" But my dad is. I have to reduce the burden of my schooling to at least help in dealing with the so called burden. " Kyla stated lowly.

" Oh dear. " Charlotte sigh as she hug Kyla.

"Seems like I have an idea." Charlotte blurted and Kyla raised her brows at her

" What's it? " she asked curious

Charlotte bite her lower lip. "I think it's kinda a stupid idea." Charlotte smirk 

"C'mon... You know I really do need an idea, any advice. You don't know how much this is affecting my family. " Kyla pleads as she walk to Charlotte.

" You know this Mrs Wallow, she is. Oh gosh, you know she is the one ruling almost all the influential ones in London. And her net worth is what no one knows. " Charlotte explained and Kyla gave a weak smirking.

" Okay, i was thinking. You should just go to Mrs Wallow Mansion. " 

" And do what exactly? " Kyla fired

" Chill bae. " Charlotte coax as she continues.." Maybe, puts a deal with her but her accepting you as housemaid for some years, " 

" And you think that gonna work! " Kyla ask scornfully." You wanna make me go through hell? " She rhetorically ask and Charlotte smacks her.

"I'm trying to help here." Charlotte say 

"Am sorry. But that woman." Kyla pause. "Ate you certain of your idea? " She asked and Charlotte nod confidently.

" It's takes a brave person to face the brave." Charlotte say and Kyla sigh

" Gonna help with that right? " Kyla ask Charlotte who nods.

"Sure, we will go knock on the lioness door." Charlotte say " And do not act so creaky calmly child over there. Be at your best. " She advised

" I'm gonna try my possible best on that." Kyla assures 

" Okay then. Let me somehow find out where Mrs Wallow Mansion is. " Charlotte say and Kyla smile pouting a thank you.

Her friend is really been of good help. 

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