

"Hey..." Kyla called as she drag Charlotte back.

"What's wrong with you." Charlotte sneer.

They just alighted from a cab, and after Charlotte paying the cabman. They stood mesmerizing about the huge Mansion, standing at their front.

After a long look and all, they decided to enter, before Kyla drag Charlotte back.

"Okay, I think I can't do this." Kyla say breathing fast.

"Hey. What's wrong with you. She's not gonna bite us.Take a chill pill. " Charlotte say, frustrated already how about how Kyla is beginning to behave.

" Don't you have another idea." Kyla ask,

"Oh, yeah. I have, and that idea is to, go in there and clear all debts. " Charlotte say, confidently.

Kyla sigh.

Okay, she has to do this for her family.

"C'mon." Kyla say as Charlotte walk to the gate.

"Ready?" Charlotte asked and Kyla nod, feigning a brave look.

Charlotte pressed the gate bell switch multiple times, before Kyla stop her.

"What do you want " The voice ask.

They look around to see a CCTV camera mainly fix on them. The voice was coming from nowhere they could predict.

"We want to see Mrs Wallow." Charlotte replied, shouting.

"Yes, Mrs Wallow." Kyla repeated, lowly.

"Why?" The voice asked again.

"We wanna--" Charlotte was interrupted as the gate opens itself.

Two guards came walking to them.

They were dressed in suits, and an expensive one at that.

"Follow me." The first guard, whom was at the right side instructed.

Kyla glance at Charlotte, who nods at her.

They walk to the compound, without gazing around too much.

It was really a beautiful simple wide compound.

Kyla was beginning to feel scared and regretful of following her best friend idea, Charlotte look less burden, she kept on gazing and not missing a glance of the compound.

They were escorted to a small parlour, simply decorated like garden, with soft sofas and small table.

"You will be attended to, soon." The first guard tell and Charlotte nods as he walk out, leaving the other in the parlour, standing securely, hands folded to the back and heads up.

"Hey." Kyla called scared already.

"You don't have to worry, we can't get kidnapped or get outsmarted. " Charlotte whisper tell.

" But still, " Kyla was saying

"Just practice what to say, the emotion state, business-like mood." Charlotte interrupt." Don't forget to introduce yourself clearly." She added

Kyla nod

She gotta brace up, she gave a loud sighing.

The door to the parlour opened. As Kyla and Charlotte got on their feet.

The rays of the sunlights that penetrated into the parlour welcomed the aura of the guy that just step in.

He was escorted with big armed guard. Whom held a gun and dressed in black, with glasses on.

The guy was putting on a long fitted blue trousers. And a blue suits, with a white shirts, worn underneath.

"We seek for Mrs Wallow." Charlotte say, confused about the guy that just step in.

She thought, maybe he is an assistant.

"You can see me in place of her." The guy say, his voice barely echoing the parlour.

" We know you might be an assistant, but---"

"Will you talk. " The guy interrupted Charlotte as he smirk.

" If you gat no better thing to say, get out! " He say coldly.

" Sir. " Kyla pause as she glance at Charlotte whom has turned mute, her new attitude is now calm, and Kyla found it weird, that her blabbermouth friend is now hiding at her back.

The guy raised his brows at Kyla. "What" He say

"Though, my main purpose is too see Mrs Wallow, but I hope I can really rely this to you. " Kyla say. She swallowed hard before continuing.

" Me. My dad, politician Jagan borrowed from your. Borrowed a half billion pounds from Mrs Wallow. And---"

" You wanna pay it back? " The guy ask in a sudden.

Kyla pause, she glance at Charlotte who seem not to be helping any longer.

Well, it's her family problem. She should face it!

"Nope." Kyla answered

"There is nothing to say." He was about walking away as Kyla rush to him, grabbing his arms.

He looks shocked and surprised at her attitude.

Goosebumps, began flowing through him, he stare at Kyla.

They were green, No, brown. A wonderful combinations of green and gold eyeballs.

Her Hazel eyeballs, staring through.

He could feel his subconscious jumping in happiness.

He flinch making her hand slide out of her hold, in holding him.

"Sorry." Kyla apologize, as he watch her lips jump at the words.

He stare at her, Her brown hair neatly styled into a simple ponytail.

She wasn't wearing any makeup, nor lip gloss.

Her pinkish lips, made him bite his lower lip unknowingly.

"Sir." Kyla called with a pleading look. "I will do anything to serve Mrs Wallow if--"

"Will you serve me instead if I pay your debts." He ask still fixing his eye raping gaze at her.

Kyla look dumbfounded, how would a--, no an assistant pay the amount of,

"Yes." She answered immediately, not to criticize her thoughts in thinking he is up to something.

She saw it as a big opportunity, and a big given chance.

"Yes, I will work with you instead." She replies rushing her words as she go on her kneels.

" Please. " She pleaded.

' It's won't be bad, having her as a mistress slave. ' He thoughts, lustfully.

"Send the required amount to Wallow." He say to the other guard beside him.


He just mentioned his boss's name without regards.

Kyla thought as she arch an eyebrow at him.

"You will be serving me, from the next two days." He say as he walk away with the armed guard whom must have scared Charlotte to go mute.

"Come with me, for the necessary requirements." The guard, whom the guy gives order to tell her.

Kyla smile happily, proud of herself. She just push her family out of a debts.

"Hey, come on." She say to Charlotte who obeyed as they walk with the guard to fill whatever documents that is needed.

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