
Chapter 2

 "This is Alison Grey. She's Blake Grey's daughter," Henry introduced us. The man dropped his knife on the chopping board and he walked towards me with a grin.

He pulled me into a tight hug. He held onto me like a leech and I — for some reason — liked it. He was warm, welcoming. His hug comforted me, and I felt like I could tell him anything. When the man pulled away, I smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

"I'm Ezra Charles. It's such a pleasure to finally meet you," Ezra greeted me. I nodded and smiled at him some more as Henry cleared his throat to gain our attention.

"I'll leave you two here to settle in and get to know each other. Alison, I will be here to collect you for your start in the morning. Dress in something appropriate for running, because you'll be doing a lot of it," Henry told me. I smiled and nodded at him respectfully.

The Alpha nodded his goodbye to Ezra and I before slipping out the front door and disappearing. I felt his humming blood fade as he got further and further away.

"I'm making a roast. It's the best thing you'll ever put in your mouth, I promise," Ezra suddenly said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me across the room and pushed me down into a chair at the dining table.

Ezra quickly started to put down dishes of food, which made my mouth water and my belly rumble. My beast licked her lips hungrily as we eyed the roast beef that was set down in front of us.

We couldn't wait to eat.

We had ran a long way that day. It was nonstop, except for one stop where one wolf begged for a moment to take a drink from the steam we ran along. It took not even five minutes before we were off again.

"Princess, what do you like to drink? You're of age, yes?" Ezra called to me. I swivelled around in my seat to face him. He was standing by the refrigerator, tapping his finger against his chin quizzically.

The first thing I thought about was the nickname. Princess? Why princess? The next thing that crosses my mind was how thirsty I was. I really needed a drink.

"You have beer?" I asked him. His features lit up like a damn Christmas tree and he reached into the refrigerator and grabbed two beers for the both of us.

Ezra walked over to the table and sat back down. He sipped on his beer as he pushed mine towards me. I nodded at him and took it, sipping from it slowly.

"I'm twenty-four, by the way," I informed him, thinking he might have liked to know. He nodded at me, seeming amused and intrigued.

"Three hundred and twelve," Ezra nodded his head at me with a cheeky grin that made me gasp. Ezra was obviously a vampire, and vampires are immortal, but I had never met one that old before. The oldest I had met before him was only one hundred and sixty four years old.

"Eat up, princess. You need to fuel up for the big day tomorrow," Ezra told me, motioning towards all the food. I nodded at him and reached forwards. I began to scoop piles of food onto my plate, stacking up massively, which made Ezra laugh.

I started eating and then looked at Ezra who was slowly eating his food. He looked up from his plate and at me, catching me looking.

"Why 'princess'?" I asked him curiously. Ezra smiled and shrugged at me. He shoved a roasted potato into his mouth and chewed.

"Because you look like a princess, and your wolf radiates 'important'. Princesses are important," Ezra explained, and I couldn't help but smile at him. Right from the beginning, I knew I was going to like him.

After dinner, Ezra showed me around the cabin. It was nothing fancy, it was quite dull, actually. There was a living room with two couches and a television. There were two bedrooms, each quite boring and bland. But I didn't expect the bedrooms to be fancy. I figured I wouldn't be spending a lot of time in my bedroom.

Although, the bathroom must've been one of the biggest rooms in the house. There was a large two person sink, and a massive mirror that stretched out. There was an average white toilet, a large shower and even a deep bathtub. The floors were gleaming white tiles and the walls were all creamy.

It was obviously the most important room in the house and I loved it.

I took a hot shower, standing under the water, letting the water wash away all the sweat and dirt on my body. I washed my hair with the new rose scented shampoo that Ezra had in there and then I jumped out the shower and walked down the hallway and into my room.

As I thought about it, I realised that Ezra did in fact have a mark on his neck. He had a mate. That must be who the rose scented shampoo belonged to. Where was she?

My room wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. There was a window across from the door that was locked. The key sat on the window sill. There was a single sized bed pushed into the corner of the room, made neatly with purple bed covers. There was a tall chest of drawers in which Ezra had said all my clothes would be in.

I hadn't brought any clothes with me from Terialta. I wasn't told to. But I was assured that there would be a lot of clothes here for me to change into.

I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a loose fitting shirt. I walked over to my new bed slowly and collapsed onto it. I didn't mean to fall asleep, but as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

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