

I didn’t got the chance to talk with Carx after that scene happened. And even during meals, he was absolutely quite and focused with his food. I couldn’t avoid my gaze to him since the day he offered me to wear his own designed dress. I just wonder why he suddenly got interested with fashion. Which in the first place, he is not obviously that typical kind of person who wears a lot of luxurious. Or probably, he have his own outfits namely branded by his own techniques and implications. It’s very amazing. If I could just have the chance to converse with him again, I’d like to have a peek inside his room.

After a minute, I’ve washed their plates and waited for them to leave their seats to have us maids eat our dinner. While I was preparing the table, I couldn’t stop glancing through Magna. She just opened a can of sardines and put it on the bowl. We’re not allowed to take their dishes as our dishes as well, so we sometimes forced to eat preservative food quality product.

“Are you close with, sir Carx?” I asked while I get for our spoons. “I just find you comfortable with inserting midst private conversation especially him. I just find it something like that.”

She laughed to my question and grin. “It is nothing. I tend to interrupt with things that I didn’t like. He’s a kind of younger brother for me. So, he don’t bother to tolerate my opinions.” The way she’s telling it to me. I could feel how she must be respected no matter what. Like she have everything under her control, even it seems not showing a trace of fairness. “I’ve been living here since I was fifteen. And I really was attractive to him. But, he started bringing a girl named Mia. He told me that he likes her. He just a kind of person who likes to linger around with new girls around their house.” She explained that makes me to get clarify with something I’m uncertain of. He’s just a happy-go-lucky type of person. And he means no meaningful intention.

“He even offered me to wear a dress he just sewed years ago. It’s expensive and yes, I stunned the stage by showing off myself with the dress he design by himself.” Magna was chewing her food while storytelling about an experience with Carx. “I could thought we’re close since he bothered me a lot. But the moment after he was recognized when I wear the dress. He insulted me a lot than being grateful after I confessed my adoration to him.” She froze for a moment while remembering the past. She sound bitter after continuing, “He’s got things to say. Indubitably, never been bothered of you’ll feel. He choose pretty girls. Rich and hard-to-get.”

“You’re scaring me, don’t you?” I asked while sarcastically laughing. “Well, we don’t care about his life. He have it. And let him suck what he got.” That’s all what I got inside my head. He’ll definitely going to hate me if he’ll hear me backstabbing his jerky character. Well, enough with his bad side. I really am interested about his relationship with Mia. “About Mia. Was she rich?”

Magna shook as response looked at me while saying, “She’s what I’m referring to. My co-worker before. We studied the same schools. But now, I decided to end my college years.” She sound hopeless and sad. “I’ve got no enough brains to use. I went to scarcity as well, and my parents are debtors. I can’t able to solve it that easy. When I always rely on is my desired degree. I can’t do my annual finance budget.” She laughed while musing a thought, thinking how could she be more unfortunate. And I really feel the same thing as she were.

“Where’s Mia now? Is she doing fine?” I asked. She finished all the food and emptied her plate after looking at me.

“She’ll be graduating her Senior High school year. I visit her sometime and she’s doing fine,” she said then started to wash her used plates and focused doing it. I could probably got a chance to meet her then if I’m going to agree for his offer?

It’ s going late in the evening but I can’t still feel asleep when I really eager to meet Carx. I tried to reach him out on his Wazup and waited him to answer the phone. I didn’t even got a chance to make a call for my parents. And I am getting guilty the way I started to forget about them. They’re probably trying to have a call with Camila. And I’ll be brought up and kicked out if they’ll know I’m not working to with Camila. I’ll just have a call for them tomorrow.

I decided to give up and put my phone to the bedside table. The ringtone suddenly buzzing, thus, I peek on it after assuming that I might be setting an alarm. I was surprised to see that it was his number there. I quickly swiped down the button to answer his call. “Hello, good evening.” I greeted and bit my lower lip in awkwardness. This will be a first time to make a move to him. “Can I take the order you have asked me yesterday?” I opened up and added a weird tone of he-he after.

He yawned from his line before answering, “Okay. Are you sure?” He asked. I just have my reason now of why I wanted to go to their graduation. First of all, I wanted to see Mia’s face. Secondly, see if everything will happened the same as Magna experienced years ago. And lastly, to figure out if he was having a change of himself or really have the manner like he ever did to his previous maids before.

“I am. Do I sound hesitant?” I asked while trying not get a smile to my face. “I also have to talk with your parents as well. I’d like to change a contract as housekeeper,” I said after I was slowly covering myself under the bed sheets. “Are they willing to change agreement?” I asked, trying to get a clue form him. But instead, there’s a long silence to his landline. I asked if he was there.

He cough before saying, “I’ll see you tomorrow night after dinner. Just knock on my door after you finish your job,” he said then hanged it up. I didn’t get used with his bipolar-like personality. But I understand of sometimes that he act so immature and rude. That is him.

After I have prepared meals and saw that our boss are having a trip except for Carx, pulling their luggage and putting them to the back seat of the car. Mrs. Venisa went inside after she put her bag to the front seat. I also helped them carrying their baggage with some businesses’ assets. Venisa was less someone I could interact in this house. Since she always got herself to the phone, always responding consecutive calls. She head back inside and peek in the kitchen and smiled. “You cooked my favorite dish, hun.” She complimented Magna’s cooking, where she fried a bacon and also a saucy chicken breast. I saw how Magna was flattered from her reactions. “Pack these to a meal box, Magna. I’ll bring them in my trip.” She ordered and took a last bite on a chicken she haven’t finished yet.

“Good morning, mom.” I suddenly looked to Carx who also glance through my direction after giving his mother a peck to both of her cheeks. “Can’t you have breakfast with me?” Carx asked. He became used with this kind of circumstances. Since, his parents are undeniably that busy person.

“No. We just really need to go. We have to go there as early before nine in the morning. Or else we’ll be late for the meeting,” she said and grabbed the strap of clothed bag where Magna putted the sealed dishes in meal box. They left after five minutes without even saying any goodbyes. His father didn’t bother to have some taste for meals, but emptied a cup of tea while reading newspaper.

Carx was left alone and got not choice but to seat alone in the table. Magna prepared the meals for him and poured a lemon juice to the glass after. I tried to ask him about something. And maybe, I could only got the chance to speak up if Magna’s not here. I pretend to wipe the counter and sink area in the kitchen. Magna sometimes left and get back again. I could sometimes see Carx intently looking at me and attempt to say a word. But, we can’t. We’re obviously scared that Magna might drew an issue about us.

“You’re stuck,” said Magna when she realized I’ve been wiping the too much and didn’t dare to switch to another area. I startle with her opinion and saw how Carx also tend to eavesdrop with us. “We’ve got to finish our task in front yard. Why do you seem bothered?” She asked while trying to touch by the back of her hands. I avoid and wry.

“I’m fine—” I’ve got my chance to confront Carx already when he had put his plates by himself. “Carx, I mean, sir. I’d like to ask for your permission if you can let me have my day off. I actually aim to visit someone,” I explained and rushed washing his plates already. “Well, if you don’t mind?”

“We still have a lot to clean up, Ms. Annette?” Magna inserted but Carx agree and allow me to have an hour to visit..

“Be sure it is not your boyfriend,” he whispered to my ears that causes all my system to get tingle from his scorching breath.

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