
Chapter 9

  Liam stares at the woman standing in the window, he looks at her up and down. The wind blows up her skirt, seeming to be blown away at any time. He remembers a time when he would run his fingers up her delicate legs.

  There are wisps of pain deep in Liam’s heart. Once, he treated her like a treasure, unwilling to hurt her even for a bit. But now, he only feels the extreme opposite. He gave up everything for her but she left before getting married and went with another rich man.

  He will never love this woman again.

  \"Liam, please let my mother go...\"

  \"Janie, I will never let your mother die,\" he gives out a demented smile.

  Her eyes lit, \"You’ll save my mother?\"

  \"Yes.\" He smiles and means the word, \"If you kill yourself, I will save your mother. I will make sure that she does not die. I will extend her life and cure her heart disease. Once she is cured, I’ll have her medically dissected. The knowledge that we can obtain from her is invaluable. Imagine curing heart disease in our day and age.”

  Jane couldn\'t believe the words from his mouth, her whole body is shaking. She realizes that this cold-blooded man is not the one she fell in love with.

  \"After dissection, I’ll run her thru the crematorium and feed her ashes to the pigs. There will be no trace of her existence.\"

  \"Liam! You will die with me!\"

  She couldn\'t listen anymore. She rushes forward and grabs the man.

  The Liam she loved is dead and the man in front of her is the devil.

  \"Stop! Get off Liam!\"

  A slender figure flashes over her and shoves her. While grabbing Liam she felt her body pushed hard, and she falls out of the window.


  At the moment she fell, she clearly saw Quinn acting out to herself.

  \"Sister, I\'ll send you off...\"

  But Liam rushes to the window like lightning and grabs her arm forcefully at the moment of her death.

  \"Jane, you stupid fucking bitch!\" Liam grabs her hands and drags her up.

  As soon as he saw her falling out of the window, his cold heart burst with sharp pain.

  Jane\'s body fell heavily onto the floor. She felt her hair was being pulled hard, and she had to raise her head.


  A heavy slap ran across the side of her head. \"Bitch!\" Liam retracted his hand, \"It\'s not that easy to die! Is it?!\"

  They all stared at each other breathing heavily.

  “I will never love this woman again.”


  Just as Liam pulls Jane from the windowsill, a nurse stands outside the door, holding a blood test report in her hands.

  Her blood was abnormal and she had bone cancer. But the room was so troubled that she hesitated whether she should interrupt.

  The door opens and Quinn walks out.

  \"M- Miss Liu, please give this report to President Chu.\"

  Quinn took the report impatiently and glances at it. For a moment her impatience grew, scaring the nurse, and then she smiles comfortably.

  “Great! I’ll give it to him.”

  She was quite worried about solving the Jane Jiang problem but she didn\'t expect the solution to come so quickly.

  \"I will give the report to the president but Ms. Jiang and her mother can\'t be stressed anymore. You have to keep this matter secret.\" Quinn states half-coaxing and half-threatening, \"If something happens, you will bear this responsibility.\"

  \"Yes, yes.\" The nurse nodded quickly.

  Looking at the nurse’s back running away, Quinn chuckles and tears the report in her hand to pieces. She hides the torn paper on her back and leans on the wall like a love-struck teenager.

  “Janie has cancer, this must be God\'s will!”

  “I guess, we’ll just have to let her die!”

  Quinn walks quickly to the laboratory, she still had to take care of it. Liam must not know any of these.


  Jane returns to the familiar dark room.

  Her body is tied up again and her eyes has nothing to do but stare at the ceiling sluggishly. Her hair is disheveled and brittle, and her belly grows bigger by the day.

  The darkroom didn\'t see the sun, she never knew how long she had stayed there, and Liam never came again.

  \"Time to eat!\"

  The nurse pushes the door in, she takes out the plastic tube and firmly places the tube into her throat.


  Jane\'s body suddenly constricted, struggling fiercely, but she was tied up.

  The nurse used a plastic syringe to inject liquid food into the plastic tube and into her throat.

  \"Sister, are you still living here?\" Quinn walks in leisurely from outside the door. She looks at the liquid paste in the bucket and onto the device that the nurse was pumping.

  \"Is it delicious? You’re the only to blame for this hunger strike and this is the only solution I could think of.\"

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