
Chapter nine

The large living room looks simple, but then it's obvious that it carries great wealth. Talking about the gym, infinity pool , sitting plazas, walking tracks, safe play area for kids, and more, they are all as if it is another realm. Is this a house or a hotel cos I'm getting confused.

I even became scared of going inside, I'm a low class girl.., i don't belong in such a beautiful place. I think this is heaven.

"Look who's here today" Mrs Hanks descended the stairs gracefully, her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her lip.

Her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail, and her diamond earrings dangled on her shoulders, but this was no ordinary diamond.., it was really expensive, i can tell by the way it looks.

She wore a pair of glass hills, i can swear that everything she's wearing can buy my family house.

Mrs. Hanks was so young and youthful contrary to her age. I mean she's already sixty two, but she doesn't look a day over thirty.

Her red gown swept the floor, as she walked to us, opening her arms, with a warm smile.

"Mom" Edward ran into his mother's warm embrace.

"My baby boy has grown so big" she pinched his cheeks, just like any loving mom would do.

This reminded me of good days, when it was just myself, mom and dad. I won't lie, i was jealous.

"Oh, hi dear" Mrs. Hanks said, finally taking note of my presence, after infinity, and that was after they were done with their family moment.

"Sup" i say, sounding as rude as possible.

"Um..., honey, who's this?" She asks, with an irritated look, even though she sounded very surprised.

"Mother, this is my fiancee, Max" Edward said, wrapping his hand firmly around my waist.

"Oh, i see" she said, looking at me from my head to toes, and back. I'm guessing she'll start hating me already.

" Lunch is served" the chef announced with a curtsey.

"Alright.., let's fill up our stomachs" Mrs. Hanks pulled her son to the dinning, i followed from behind feeling heartbroken, i know this was the plan, but i still feel bad about how she treated me.

I guess Edward was right, his mother does likes descent girls.

"So, how have you been?" Mrs Hanks asked, as a maid filled our glasses with wine.

" I've been alright mom, just working extra hard to take care of you" he smiled, I've never seen Edward this sincere before, I'm guessing he truly loves her. I mean why won't he?, she's his mother after all.

"Eat up, i need you to put on some weight" she shoved more of the pasta and sauce into his plate.

Okay, I'm obviously invisible to them right now, heartbreaking.

"This is ace Martin, I've really missed your famous Boef bourguignon" Edward said, as Martin curtsied.

This is fun.., fun to watch i mean. This is what i call a perfect family, his siblings aren't even here but it's already fun.

"Enjoy your meal darling" Mrs. Hanks scratched his hair, she's no doubt the best mom of the year.

"Eat everything in your plate Max" Edward said.

Wow... just wow, since when does he care????, i was boiling like hot tomatoes inside me, but i still kept my cool.

I nodded, fiddling with my pasta, it looked so yummy..but i already lost my appetite, thanks to this lovely family.

"Do you have a problem?" He asks, signaling me to complain about the food,, i can't. This could ruin my entire reputation, i still have a future ahead, i can't destroy my life time hard work for his sake.

"I'm fine actually, the food is yummy, nice job Martin" i say without looking at his face.

"My pleasure" Martin said, walking back to the kitchen.

"Such a lovely voice dear" Mrs. Hanks smiled, leaving me in awe, cos i don't really know if she's being honest.

"Thanks" i smile back, turning to my food.

"Sorry about my rude approach earlier, it's just that. I'm a very descent woman. I like girls that are very descent, but i wouldn't mind to make an exception for you" she said and i couldn't help but blush.., why didn't he tell me she was such a sweet person?.

"I don't really know you, but i feel like you're the right one" she said and i felt my head explode with pride.

I turned to Edward, he looked surprised, I'm guessing this is unlike his mother.

"Seriously mom?"

"Darling, I like this one" Mrs. Hanks smiled at me.

Woah..., i just melted her heart, I'm blushing.

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