
Chapter 3

Anna's POV:

It's the tenth time Kathy has been calling, I am not going to pick, but maybe it wasn't because I was pissed off about the night before, maybe I also feel guilty and a little embarrassed at myself. I just didn't know what to tell her. 

Good thing it's the weekend. I had already packed my stuff and planned that I'll say bye to Mom and leave as soon as I'm back from the Carrington's. 

It's not a lot but I'm still grateful that from Friday evening to Sunday afternoons I get to stay with Dad.

Here I am now, thankfully Kathy will not be visiting me while I'm in Dad's place. Just as I was thinking of that, I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

"Sweetie, are you awake?"

"Yeah, Dad. Come in please."

He came in with a cup of coffee and some sandwiches. "How are you doing? You came in so distressed last night, did something happen? I got you some breakfast by the way, just how you liked it."

"Thanks, Dad, I'm fine, nothing happened, just tired, that's all."

He set the food down and sat on the bed beside me. "Listen, Annabelle, every day I fall asleep, I wake up with a horrible feeling of regret that my life, our life, with you, and I, and your Mum, didn't turn out the way I'd hoped," he said as he looked dejected. 

"But you know what, I always feel better about it afterwards, by creating my good day. I can't change the past, what happened has happened, it's all just a matter of circumstances. You're still my baby girl, and you will always be, I know when something bothers you and you know I don't like being nosy, but I want you to understand that you can make your peace as well as your anger." 

He beamed a smile, I did too.

"Now, have your coffee before it gets cold. We're going to have a wonderful weekend together, you're going to enjoy this one so much."


It was raining all morning on Monday, I was going to go grocery shopping but I did chores with mum instead. I was about done just before noon when Mom received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello? Yes... This is her..." 

I didn't pay attention at first, but when I heard Mom's soft cries I became very alert. I curiously waited till she was done. And then in between cries she spoke.

"Anna, your father, he's got into an accident."

"Dad? Is Dad okay?"

"Yes, he is not hurt..."

"Mom?" I was so confused and scared.

"Honey," Still crying, Mom continued. "They said he hit someone with his car, and the person died on the spot. Your dad is in the police station now."


Jaden's POV

"It'll be fine, Mother. I'm just going to stay for two weeks, France isn't the place to be worried about security." This woman is dramatic, I thought.

"I know, I know Jaden, I just woke up with a really bad feeling today, that's all. Can't you do this some other time?"

"You know I can't. You're only making me late."

"You should consider postponing, that's all I'm saying. It's raining hard, and today is Monday, you know I hate Mondays."

"I promise to be careful, Mother, don't stress over it too much."

Reggie, the family Patron, came in looking dejected. 

We both asked him what was wrong. He paused for a few seconds and then spoke.

"Sir, Ma'am, there has been a call from the hospital, and they informed me that Jimmy Sir has gotten into an accident..."

At this point, I feel my abdomens squeeze.

"He was walking beside the road when someone hit him..." he paused again.

"What crap are you trying to say, Reggie?" 

"Sir, your brother couldn't make it. His body is at the Central City Hospital now, the hitter has been arrested and taken to the police station."

"I'm terribly sorry, Sir."

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