



  For the first five minutes, we sat beside each other on different stools without exchanging as much as a greeting. In fact, the only sound that could be heard inside the bakery was the sound of our teeth munching on the delicious mini salted chocolate tarts I had baked. And maybe, the sound of my mother's conscience calling her out for allowing my father sell me off to an unknown man in marriage; that is, if she was not here to try to convince me even more, on behalf of my father.


  She was the first to break the awkward silence, "You know we love you, right?" She inquired. Usually, when she asked, I had the answer at the tip of my tongue, but at the moment, I was not so sure anymore. When my mom realized that I didn't plan to give her an answer anytime soon, she continued, "Well, we do. Your dad... I don't know what has come over him but I'm sure he still loves you very much."


  I scoffed. "Really? If he did, I don't think it would cross his mind to sell me off. I don't think he loves me." The words were bitter in my mouth, but I had started to believe them. My mother looked at me with sad, round eyes and I looked away, staring out of the window.


  "I honestly am not in support of the whole situation, it breaks my heart that he isn't planning to let you choose who you intend to spend your lifetime with." She informed me. I turned to stare at her now.


  "It breaks your heart? I don't think it does. You found your knitting more interesting than throwing in a word of reasoning during my squabble with dad." I reminded her, watching her bright, blue eyes disappear under her closed lids.


  "I'm sorry, Darl. I didn't know what to say at that point, I've talked to him too many times already but he would not budge. I've always wanted you to follow your heart when it comes to marriage, I still want that. Just return home first, please. Running away from your problems won't fix it, so instead of doing this, you can ask your dad for a brief, civilized meeting where you both will discuss matters even more clearly. Maybe he'll listen this time." My mother reasoned and I stared straight at the wall before me, contemplating. Finally, I stood up and picked up the remaining tarts on the table, three to be precise, and I stored them in the freezer that was inside the bakery. I wasn't about to risk bringing them home only fit them to be devoured by anyone who set their eyes on them first. My mom stood up too and led the way to the door, while I followed suit.


  Hopefully, my dad would listen this time.




  My dad would not listen.


  His face was set in a huge frown and his lips downwardly turned, as he listened to the 101 reasons why I didn't want to marry into the McKenzies home.


  ".. Dad, please. I don't want to get married to someone I know nothing about. What if he's a killer? Give me a chance to find true love, dad, I'll take it more seriously now." I prodded but he did not blink at the words; he looked unbothered, even.


  "He is not a killer, darling. I'm sick and tired of this back and forth already. I told you, his family is one of my top customers, they are also the most popular family in New York. Besides, don't get me started on giving you a chance to find true love. The last few years, I've practically had my knees on the ground, begging you to get married. If I agree with you now, and let you look for love, I might have to wait another thirty years for a marriage to happen. The ball has been in your court for too long, Darlene, it's time for a change." He replied, crossing his arm over my mother who sat beside him on the forest green L-shaped cushion in our living room. I sat on a smaller couch opposite them, in disbelief of how unreasonably selfish my father was acting because of some dollar bills. He even pronounced my name the right way this time, for the first time in years. My mom butted in then, surprising both of us. She cleared her throat before speaking,


  "Bae," her silky voice pronounced her nickname for him. He turned to her sharply, his eyes brightening with affection. "Please. She doesn't deserve to live a loveless life, not when we had the chance to love ourselves. Would you have married me if you did not love me?" She questioned and he lifted his arm off her shoulder.


  "There was no scenerio in this world that would involve us not falling in love, Tee. Which is why I want her to give it a chance. Alexander is a good man, she would learn to love him eventually." He assured her and raised a hand to silence my mom when she was about to speak again. At this point, I had tears in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.


  "I can't believe you're doing this, dad. This is so wrong." I told him and he sighed.


"Do you not want to live a stress-free life? Because the McKenzies offer that and much more. The life you see on I*******m everyday, it would be you, soon! You'll be filthy rich and everyone would respect you. Most of all, you'd be utterly comfortable for the rest of your life." He assured me and I counted to three in my head to stop me from going off at him.


  "There's nothing comfortable about spending the rest of your life with a stranger, dad. I would never be comfortable living under the same roof as the wife of a man I know nothing of." With that, I was on my feet, heading towards my room to let the tears out.


  It was final. I was marrying a stranger.



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