
The Royal Vampagon Hybrid
The Royal Vampagon Hybrid
Author: KowynKowyn

Chapter One - The beginning -

Unknown POV

... his head, in my lap. His amazing emerald eyes locked on mine, shimmering in the dappled sunlight under the willow bark tree. I am slumped forward cradling his face covered in blood, I know it's not my own. Tears streaming down my cheeks, landing, making pools on his face, uncontrollable tears. 

His lips are moving but his voice is silent. I can't make out what he is saying no matter how hard I try. My vision is too blurred from the tears I can't stop from coming. I try to speak, to ask him what he is saying... but nothing, nothing but silence. What is going on!? What is this, what's happening, who is he!? The only thoughts I can seem to muster. Suddenly, I'm standing in the distance looking at the scene that was just in front of me... I feel a light breeze comb through my hair, it seems to ease some of the pain I am feeling at this very moment. I watch myself look up at the shimmering sky which has turned to night all of the sudden.

 I yell out to the mirrored image of myself I am looking at, but silence is all my ears are greeted with. I watch as my head tilts down to look back onto the face that was in my lap, moments ago, the once face of a man laying still and covered in blood, shifted before my eyes, it had become two snakes. Withering and hissing. I see myself jump up with fright, startled at what is happening.

As I watch myself learn forward , to where the snakes fell on the ground from off my lap, I can see they are trying to tell me something, something important. Not being able to hear it from where I am standing, watching everything unfold, I start trying to run over to myself to hear them. For some reason it seems I must know what it is they are trying to say, but I'm not getting anywhere. I'm running but I'm not moving forward. I keep running. 

I'm not giving up on trying to get closer, looking at me while I keep on trying to get closer, I can see myself getting further and further away. I'm so small in the distance now I can't see the snakes, but I can still see myself. It looks like I'm leaning down, like I'm trying to get closer to where the snakes should be. I saw the figure of myself stumbled back as if one of the snake's had stuck out at me. I squint, trying to see more but before I can, I'm free falling into the abyss. Nothing but darkness and empty space. Soundless, mindless space. What was happening. 

Thud. I'm woken from my nightmare by falling out of bed. I look down to my nightgown, once a beautiful full length flowing lilac silk, now a horrible purple colour dirty and torn wet rag from being drenched in sweat and locked down here like always. The only thing I own other than two pairs of black worn and torn jeggings and two black oversized shirts, the man who locked me down here graced me with some months ago, oh and a hoodie. I found the hoodie and kept it, so that I had something to wear when it's cold instead of freezing. I was sick of freezing in winter.

"Ugg"! I say to myself still trying to understand what the fuck I've done wrong by this man who has raised me since I can remember. He isn't my father, well at least I don't think he is. 

Too many times has he made snide remarks and comments that makes me believe he isn't. Only after this thought I noticed I'm patting heavily, not only is it sweat from the same freaking nightmare I have had ever since coming to this pack at the age of three but, the summer nights at the Spring Hollow Pack are dreadful and so humid even the Alpha feels it, especially when we are the poor pack so no air-conditioning or luxury. We have nothing that most other packs or the Royals are used to, probably why they never come to gatherings or meetings here.

One day I need to find out what this dream means or why I have it. It's always happening one month before my birthday. I'm 18 in a month but I feel like I'm 50. The aches and pains my body feels, on a daily basis, might all be from the abusive prick upstairs but some of it feels like my bones haven't healed properly. Here's to hoping the goddess finally answers my prayers one day. Soon.! 

I stagger to my cot and sit on the edge of it rubbing my side and my face. This time I fell harder than usual and having bruises on my ribs and jaw didn't help the pain in any way shape or form. If anything, it made it worse. Lifting my night gown to see if it made the bruises worse or if any wounds new or old had been made or opened up from my fall. I felt a little relief seeing my ribs are finally starting to heal and my bruises have turned yellowish, no other marks or cuts that I can see too. Not eating most days doesn't help the healing process, I don't get to have food here.

I wonder if I can get something from Wendy today after school. It's been a few days and I know he won't give me any food, I wouldn't ask either. I laid back down for a while knowing it's not time to get up yet as the alarm hasn't gone off. Yep, I have an alarm. I found it on the side of the road just outside the pack near this place. It was broken but I fixed it the next day at school. I'm not too bad at fixing broken things, just not myself. I sighed and after a few more minutes I drifted back to sleep.

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