
Chapter 23 Rose Riding Hood

My eyes darted towards the glass ball at the other table. The little mist of magic winking at me from time to time. I blinked at it once. Twice.

Hold it. I think I remember reading something about that crystal orb.

I quickly flipped through the pages until I landed on the page that I wanted. I started to read it silently. I was pretty sure that I had read something about the orb. But I haven't had the time to process it when I was rudely interrupted by the PRINCE.

My eyes went wide as the information made sense to me. I was right. I did read something about two orbs. One was light and one was dark. The light one is kept hidden in the Kingdom of Thalia. It's twin, the dark one, is kept at another greater kingdom called Tereu.

From what I have read, these two orbs both possess great magic. And I have a hunch that if it is true then the other orb can bring me back. Assuming that it's power was not consumed, unlike the light one over here.

But before I could do that, I have to see if this really is true. I have to ask someone about this.

And I know just the right person to ask.


I silently walked inside of the library. The huge door creaked as I opened it. "Hello?" I called out. My voice echoed in the large room.

"Why are you here?" My eyes darted to a part of the room which was lit by lamps. There was a small coffee table and some couch around it. Sitting with his back to me, probably reading a book, is his royal highness, PRINCE Ace.

I sat on one of the couches in front of him and watched him read. Actually, I was waiting for him to put the book down so I could talk to him. I placed the book that I was holding on my lap and waited patiently.

Fortunately, I didn't get to wait that long because after a few seconds, he sets the book down on the table without a sound.

"I assume that you're not here for the lesson." Ace said and finally looked at me. "What is it? I can see that you want to ask me something."

"If I ask you, Will you tell me the truth?" I asked.

Ace took some time before he answered. "That depends on your question."

I sighed. I guess I have to go to the safer route where he won't suspect a thing. "Is everything that this book says is real?" I asked and raised the book so that he could see.

Ace stared at me in the eyes before he stared at the book. "Why do you want to know?"

"Hey. I asked you first, okay?"

Ace frowned. "Shut up. I ask you why you wanted to know if it's real or not."

I huffed and wiped a hand across my face. "No particular reason." I answered. Ace didn't seem to be entirely convinced. He only narrowed his eyes at me in suspicion. "I don't believe you." He finally said. "If I know, you must have read something that triggered your interest. Last time I checked, you don't even care about the history of this kingdom."

I suddenly got irritated. This conversation was taking a lot longer than I wanted it to be. "Look here, your royal highness. I came to you to seek an answer. It's a simple yes or no question." I was suddenly aware that my voice had risen.

Ace didn't falter and countered me with his own pissed off glare. "I'm trying to be nice, okay? I kept my temper in check just for today because I figured that you are having a hard time with all these." Ace took a deep breath and massaged the bridge of his nose.

"You left the book earlier in my room."

"Prince Fred left it. Not me."

"Can't you just tell me? At least I am trying my best to learn."

He gave me a skeptical look. "Yes. That's the history of our world." He confirmed.

Hope suddenly burned inside of me. It's real. Everything in the book is real. I can go home. Assuming that the dark orb can help me. But I don't want to ask that question to Ace. He might suspect something.

"Is that all that you wanted to ask me?" Ace asked. Not looking at me when he noticed that I was still sitting there.

I looked at Ace and debated whether to ask him or not. "Um..."

Ace raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" He asked. And not in a very welcoming sort of tone.

"Um...are you really an Elf?" I decided not to ask my real question. Who knows? He might figure out my plan and tell the others. And besides, it's not everyday you get to meet an elf. I mean, what do they really do? I could just read from the book but it's better to just ask a real elf, right?

Ace frowned at my question. "Yes I am."

I pursed my lips. "Don't take this in an offensive way but, why aren't your ears pointy?" I said then made some gestures with my hands to my ears. I know what you're thinking. It's a rude question to ask. But as far as I know, elves have pointy ears and are short, right? Well according to the image of Santa's helpers in kids' books.

Looking at Ace, he was anything but. He was tall and his ears didn't seem to be pointed. But the book did say that they have sharp and pointy ears and that elves have a good sense of humor. Well if this is his way of showing a good sense of humor then I really don't find it funny.

In addition, they are strikingly gorgeous. Oh yes, Ace is gorgeous. But I prefer drop dead gorgeous.....literally in my case.

Try and get to know the guy, you'll see what I mean.

Unexpectedly, Ace didn't give me a death threat. In fact, it was like it didn't bother him. Or maybe he's just extending his patience a little bit. "That's because I'm not using magic." He said.

"Magic!? What kind of magic?! Show me!" I suddenly got excited. My eyes are probably shining right now as I looked at Ace. Expecting him to do something...magical?

"No. I'm not going to use my magic for show."

"Aw. You're no fun. Come on. Show me!!" I urged.

This time, Ace suddenly looked irritated. "Just read that book if you want to know."

"But it doesn't say anything! It only says that as time goes by, the elves gain elemental gifts. And that only the royals have unique gifts passed down from generation to generation. It wasn't written what those unique gifts are so how am I supposed to guess? You're a royal so you must have a unique gift."

"I'm good with swords. That's my gift." Ace said plainly.

"That's just a skill. I mean the gift as in your magic. You know. The sparkle and zapping kind of thing." I made an action of the zapping part with my fingers and looked at him. "That is how it works, right?"

"As I said before. I'm not using it for show." He said.

"So you do have one!" I beamed. "If you don't want to show me but at least tell me." I insisted.

Ace only ran a hand through his hair before he picked the book that he left on the table and started to read again. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

That line sure is popular with the princes.

"That's not fair!! I want to know. Please."

"Good night, Rose." I can tell that Ace is getting pissed every minute at me. Why is he so sensitive about his gift?

"Come on. I won't tell." I pleaded.

This time, Ace let out an irritated sigh. I can tell that his patience is slowly draining. "Go to your room and just read the damn book! I don't care if you can't sleep because of your curiosity with my powers. It's not my problem. Grab your book and leave. You've been nothing but a burden to all of us!" He breathed. "Do you know how much trouble we are all in because of you? Why can't you just go back to your world? Do you enjoy playing princess that much and pretending that your life is perfect? You're no princess. The queen simply picked you up from your world and dumped you here. Know your place!"

I sat there silently as I carefully swallowed his words. "It's not like I was given a choice to be here in the first place." I mumbled. Grabbing the book, I stood up. Well I may be curious but I am not stupid enough to just sit here and have Santa's helper to give me a scolding. "You may be a prince, but you are not deserving of that title."

Ace gave me a menacing glare. I glared back before leaving the library. I got the information that I needed. There's no reason for me to stay and chat.

I hurriedly ran back to my room. Now that I was a little sure that there's a way out of this world without waiting for the damn crystal ball to recharge, I quickly opened the book and tore the drawing of a map on the first page. It was old and I don't know if it's still accurate, but it was my only bet. I place it in my dress pocket for safe keeping.

I opened my closet and brought all of the dresses out and tied them together to make a make-shift rope. I used all my experience in knot tying and making sure that the knot was tightly secured. Of course, I couldn't just die in my search for the other orb, right? That would have been pointless.

Once I was done, I checked my handy work and went to the balcony. I tied one end of my make-shift rope on the railing and grabbed the other end. I pulled at it a couple of times to make sure that it was safe. All the while, I couldn't help but to feel a bit nervous since I haven't done this kind of escape route. I have only watched it in movies. There is definitely no guarantee the fabrics would hold. Well I'm not saying that I'm heavy or anything.

Gripping tightly on the other end of the rope, I glanced back at my room and to the light orb on my table. I frowned and stuck my tongue out in it's direction before diving at the balcony.

It probably wasn't the best idea that I ever had since I was in the 2nd floor after all. And since this was a castle, well, the 2nd floor isn't really that low from the ground.

"Sweet Mother of Donkey milk!!" I cursed and quickly tightened my hold on the fabric. Luckily it was too short to reach the bottom, but enough for me to reach my leg out on the ground. I sighed in relief.

"Well that wasn't so bad." I said to myself. Apparently, I spoke too soon when the knot on the fabric that I was holding came loose, making me land on my butt. The fabric that I was gripping fell on my head. I groaned and grabbed the fabric that was covering my face and examined it.

It wasn't a dress at all but a hood. A red hood to be exact.

I laughed silently at how ironic that was. I just had a dream earlier that I was red riding hood. Not to mention that I was living with two werewolves. With a shake of my head, I draped the hood over my shoulder and tied the ribbon to secure it on me.

I fished out the map in my skirt pocket and examined the map. Using the light of the moon to see the intricate drawings on the paper. Then I looked at what was ahead of me, nothing but trees that might be full of creatures lurking in the dark. Then I looked behind me, the castle in it's white and gold glory.

I quickly asked myself if going out and searching was probably the best thing for me. It was, after all, a history book. Who knows? The other orb might not exist anymore. Am I willing to take that chance?

Do you know how much trouble we are all in because of you? Why can't you just go back to your world? Do you enjoy playing princess that much and pretending that your life is perfect? You're no princess. The queen simply picked you up from your world and dumped you here. Know your place!

His words were true. I should know my place in this world. I am a human. I do not belong here. But even though his words hurt me enough to make me hate all of them, I couldn't. I have a few nice memories here. I received kindness and shelter in this place. Sure it wasn't perfect, but the people somehow made it bearable. I will surely miss them if I'm successful in returning. Right now, I was actually thinking of leaving them a note, but I figured that it was too late.

With a final intake of breath, I set off into the unknown. Fully determined to search for the other kingdom that possesses the other orb. Just thinking about another way out of this mess and finally be back in my world made me smile.

I'll finally be home with my family. Soon.


Deep within the forest, a small wolf awoke from its slumber. It felt a familiar presence far into the woods. It shook it's fur to dust off the dust from the ruins where it was sleeping. It didn't know how long it was sleeping the whole time for the place to be in ruins like this.

It looked at the place sadly. It used to be a lively place...

Then the presence hit it again. It's nose immediately sniffed the air. It smelled nothing, but the pull it felt somehow felt familiar. It's tail started to wag in delight when it realized something.


It let out a small howl. Finally! He must meet his master.

It gave the ruins one final look before setting off.

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