
Chapter 27: The House Is Bugged


As if they bugged the house, one by one, Schuyler’s three brothers all somehow happen to drop by. I don’t plan to share my news with them. I’d rather they learn of our engagement at the graduation party. Theo tries her best, but she can’t hide that she’s excited about something.

“Mom, what’s up? You look like the cat that ate the canary.” Levi looks from his mother to his father, then at me with suspicion.

Theo turns to me, zips her lips, and tosses the key over her left shoulder. Ya, like that won’t make them ask more questions. I feel I’m in front of a firing squad with all three brothers glaring in my direction.

“You know, we can beat it out of you,” Levi threatens.

“Levi Dawes,” Theo chides. “Where are your manners? That is no way to treat a guest in our house.”

“Spill the beans,” Dan orders, pointing to his mom.

Theo’s much too excited to keep it secret any longer. She buckles, an excited grin growing on her face. “Calvin’s going to ask Schuyler to marry him!”

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