
Chapter 41: Lyndon


Calvin lifts our baby from her bassinet and walks over to Dawn as she looks down at the other sleeping baby. “I’m Calvin, Schuyler’s husband, and this is our new baby girl.”

“Oh my gosh.” My hand flies to my mouth. “How rude of me! I should have introduced the two of you.”

Dawn extends her hand to Calvin. “I’m Dawn, Theo’s friend and golf partner for many years.” She turns to peer once more at the infant. “And this is my niece.” Her voice shakes as she speaks.

My mind quickly puts it all together. If this is her niece, then the baby must be her sister’s daughter. Something must have happened to her sister in the horrible accident. My heart breaks for her. I wrap my arm around Dawn’s back as she continues to gaze at the baby. I don’t speak as I’m not sure what to say; I’m not caught up on her entire situation.

Pulling away, I snap a picture of Calvin holding our baby and quickly text it to Dallas. She’s already texted me twice to remind me to send photos.

“Have you shared a pho
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