
24 Became laughingstock

24 Became laughingstock

**Elizabeth's POV**


No one would suspect me, right? After all, I was Dummy in everyone's mind. a Dummy could not make a screaming sound and draw everyone in.

In the whole pack, only Carolina and I were the least suspicious. She is deaf and dumb, and I am Dummy.

I was not afraid even if damien accused me. I was dating him in secret. We did not open up about the relationship to the public. No one could assume me as long as I did not admit it.

As for the slip of paper that I gave him, I would not be worried even if Damien kept it as evidence.

Those words were written by me in Povidone Iodine. When I handed the slip of paper to Damien, I smeared lemon juice on his palm. Stupid Damien, he must not have thought that the vitamin C in the

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