
Chapter 12

I sucked in a sharp breath, his words stir fanning my desire for him. Oh, he had my full attention too.

“From now on, I will be at the helm off all your actions. You are not to make move in respect to our arrangement without my explicit approval. I don’t want you having side missions like the one you pulled off today.”

That was the kind of attention he meant. I felt a sting of disappointment, and then irritation at myself for feeing that way.

“I’ve told you already Ethan I didn’t plan for this.” I answered curtly. To my indignation, he smirked. “Moving forward, what adjustments were you talking about?”

God I wished he would back away from me He was so close I could feel the warmth of his body on my skin. I crossed my hands over my breasts, to put an extra barrier between us.

“For one, you’re quitting your job. I can’t have my future wife waiting tables, it’s unseemly.”

I blocked the word ‘future wife’ from my mind, and focused on the problem. “You can’t make me quit.”

“and why
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