


Today made it the second day of my stay at the GoldenCrest Pack and each day that passed made me more miserable and anxious.

Here I was, all alone in a strange land. I knew Azriel had assured me that my grandmother was in perfect condition but I couldn't help but be worried. What if something happens to her when no one was around?

I knew I had to make a decision. And fast. I couldn't stay here and let him decide my fate. I didn't ask for this and I definitely wasn't going to sit by and allow him use me however he wanted.

I got out of my room and walked down the stairs. The interior of the house was jaw dropping, it was literally made of gold. What was Azriel's obsession with gold? His whole house seemed to be covered in them. Perhaps there was something more to it? It just couldn't be because of the fact that his eyes were also made of gold.

Or was I really just making a fuse out of nothing?

I shook my head and walked further down the stairs. The scent of food immediately made my stomach growl, thankfully the coat was clear and I immediately followed the aroma of food.

Finally, I found the kitchen. The maid whose name was cooking. As soon as she detected my scent, she turned her head towards me and gave me a large warm smile.

“Come on in, dear! I was just about to come get you for breakfast.” She said warmly and I couldn't help but smile back. So far, she had been the nicest person I've met in this place.

My brows creased in confusion. I wasn't allowed to come downstairs for breakfast as all my meals were always brought to my meal so this was new. “Am I allowed to eat here? Good morning. Can I know your name too?”

She slapped her forehead dramatically. “Where are my manners? I'm so sorry Luna, my name is Carla and I'm Alpha Azriel's personal chef and maid. And yes, Alpha Azriel ordered you have your breakfast here today.” She explained, dishing the Mac and cheese into a place. I tried to pretend like I didn't hear her address me as the Luna. I didn't know how to feel about that just yet and I didn't even want to stress about it.

My eyebrows shot up at the information. “Uhm, why? Last I recall, he enjoys locking me up in the room like I'm some fucking prisoner.” I said with a scowl.

Carla's smile immediately disappeared, replaced with a look of pity that I hated. “I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, Luna. Azriel just doesn't know how to show you he cares about you, I'm sure with time you'll understand him and why he is doing all of this. I think he's scared of losing you.”

“Well, he has a very nice way of showing that,” I retorted, rolling my eyes at her words, though I couldn't deny that I was curious about what she meant. What was Azriel's story and what was he hiding from the world? What made him this cold hearted and unloving? But I did well to keep my mouth shut.

I didn't care, I tried to convince myself.

'You know you do.' My wolf chirped in, but I ignored her knowing how right she was. Was I starting to care for the man I met barely two days ago? The same man who happens to be the mate I'd been longing for all my life?


“Delilah.” I cut her off. “You can call me Lilah.” I said with a smile.

She shook her head nervously. “You're going to become our Luna soon. I don't want to sound disrespectful.”

I resisted the urge to groan. How do I tell this woman that I didn't want to become their Luna now or anytime soon? “I insist, Carla. I'm not Luna yet.”

“Are you sure? The Alpha—”

“I'm a hundred percent sure, Carla. Please call me by my name. Luna makes me feel old.” I said in distaste.

She smiled in response and nodded her head. “Okay, Lilah. Breakfast is ready.” She announced.

I took a deep breath and moaned at the aroma of the food. “It smells so good.” I complimented, taking a seat on the stool and took a bite of the food. “Tastes better too.” I said, giving her a thumbs up as the sweet meal hit my taste buds.

A deep blush crawled up the middle aged woman's cheeks. I guess she wasn't quite used to been complimented about her food. “Thank you, Lilah. I'm glad you like it.”

“Aren't you eating?” I asked with a mouthful of food.

She shook her head. “The maids aren't allowed to eat with the Alpha's family. I'll eat later.” She said softly.

I frowned at that information. Was Azriel that heartless to make such rules?

A glinting object caught my attention making me halt, I turned to find a bunch of keys sitting on the counter. I looked back up to find Carla cleaning the sink and I immediately snatched the keys and slipped it into my bra before she could notice.

I just hoped these were the keys that would successfully get me out of this house. If I needed to make a move, then I needed do it now.

I cleared my throat after eating the last bit of my food. “Uhm Carla, do you have any idea where Azriel is?”

Carla took the plates and washed them immediately before turning back to me. “Alpha Azriel had an important meeting to attend to early this morning. Said he'd be arriving late.”

I resisted the urge to jump in happiness as she completed her words, but I didn't want to do anything that would raise her suspicions. So I just nodded my head calmly as if I wasn't feeling the exact opposite.

As I made my way back to my room, I couldn't help but think about the risks of what I was planning to do. The key pierced my skin, reminding me of exactly what I was going to do. Did I really think I could escape Azriel? That was a question that left me nervous. What if—? No! I wasn't going to think negatively. I will escape from this place no matter what it takes.

I waited until the house was completely silent before venturing out. As I tiptoed towards the door, I couldn't help but feel nervous. The sound of my racing heart seemed to echo through the empty halls. I fumbled with the keys, trying to find the right one, until I finally found it. The door creaked as it opened, and I held my breath, hoping that no one had heard.

I could do this. All I just needed to do was take a step outside and make a run for it. I needed to do this. For my sake, for Grandma Alma's sake.

Ignoring the way my heart squeezed painfully and my wolf howled in sadness at the thought of leaving Azriel, I took my first step outside.

But as soon as I turned my head back up, I was met with a pair of golden eyes glaring down at me. I froze. I tried to hide the bunch of keys in my hands but it was a useless move because he already saw them.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. I tried not to shiver as his voice hit me straight to the core. He sounded furious.

I stammered, trying to come up with a plausible excuse, but my mind was blank. Azriel's eyes narrowed, and I knew I was in trouble. A very big one.

"You're trying to escape, aren't you?" he growled darkly.

My heart sank as I realized that he had figured out my plan. I braced myself for the worst as Azriel took a step towards me, but before he could grab me, I bolted. I ran as fast as I could, my heart pounding in my chest as I heard his angry footsteps behind me. He was coming after me. Fast.

I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I had to keep moving. As I ran, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, I could make it out alive.

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Ashley Damonte
Someone is about to get into real trouble...

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