

Chapter 105

Tristan pov

“Hello.” Lyla said to me holding her phone and a glass of wine. She turned to look at me and started making a video of both of us. I was too startled at the beginning so I could be say or do anything. I just tried telling her to stop but she didn't listen to me. She found it fun teasing me with such a thing.

I had to stand up and leave. When I got to bathroom I tried struggling to remember what happened but I can't seem to weap my head around it because I couldn't remember anything that happened.

“What the f*ck is going on!” I yelled angrily while hitting my hand on the wall several times.

I walked out of the bathroom and dressed up immediately.

“You’re leaving already?” Lyla asked when she saw me dressing up to leave.

I was so pissed that I didn't want to hear her voice. I need to know what made me have this sudden amnesia. I walked out of the room angrily after giving her an irritated look so that she can understand that nothing will ever change my
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