
The bracelet!

Cora pulled Esme aside and asked curiously.

“Do you know anything about that bracelet Fabiola was wearing just now?Did Lorenzo give it to her?”

Esme frowned.

She knew nothing about the bracelet.

But now that she thought back to it,that exact type was always on Fabiola’s wrist.

Did Lorenzo give it to her?

That even got her madder because she desperately wanted to be in Fabiola’s shoes.

“I have no idea.But he might have given it to her as a gift and I notice she is always on it.”

Cora grimaced.

It still didn’t add up for her grandfather to give something like that to Lorenzo.

Even if the old man was fond of Lorenzo,that wasn’t just something he could give to an outsider who wasn’t bearing his family name.

What if she had saw wrongly?

What if that wasn’t the right inscription?

She had to be sure.

And she had to discreetly ask Thiago if he had given something like that to Lorenzo.

“Is there anyway you can get that bracelet for me?”She asked,Esme.

She knew Esme had always been scheming sin
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