
26) you be Tinker Bell and I’ll be Peter Pan

“Kim darling what a nice surprise.” The Queens coos as I walk into the royals dining room. “Will someone please fix the Princess a seat.” She says to one of the omega’s. 

“Good Morning.” I greet to the whole table before taking my seat next to Reece. He looks at me dumbfound. 

“This is a lovely.” The Queen turns her attention back to me. “To what do we owe this welcome surprise?”

“It was actually Reece’s idea that I spend more time with the family.” I smile and lay my napkin on my lap. “I hope to make it a regular occurrence rather than a surprise every now and then.” 

“That would be wonderful.” She smiles back. 

Everyone falls into idle chitchat as Reece leans over to me. 

“You look gorgeous this morning.” 

“Thank you.” I say sweetly, allowing a blush to stain my cheek

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