
Ch. 38 Done

Zoe’s POV

“What the fuck happened last night?” I croaked out, my throat in desperate need of moisture.

I sat up and flung my legs over the side of the bed, only to fall back again when my room spun around me. My room? I had no memory of how I’d gotten there. Or how I’d gotten undressed. Panic slithered through me as I looked down at my naked body, save for my bra and panties.

“I told you shots were a bad idea.” Cinna sing-songed in my head.

“Haven’t you heard? “I told you so” isn’t a good look on anybody, Cinna.” I sniped at her. “Do you remember how we got home?”

“Nope. I wanted nothing to do with your adolescent behavior so I slept through all of it.” She shrugged, sauntering away.

“You could at least help with the hangover!” I called after her, but it only made my headache worse.

Ever so gingerly, I pushed off the mattress and assumed a sitting position, with much more success this time. When I finally made it to my feet, my legs didn’t want to hold me. But I forced
Cara Anderson

I apologize for the late post. I've been under the weather but I appreciate your patience. Thank you for reading!

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