
The Fitting.

Allerick and his aide Mart stopped to rest for a while under the shade of a large tree.

Unknown to him the ensemble his father sent after him where hiding behind the cover of the dense forest.

“Mart quickly tend to Buck, we have to continue our journey soonest, we should approach the city before dusk”, he barked out orders.

Mart stood up almost immediately, “Yes sire”, and began tending to the horse.

Allerick placed his head against the large bark of the tree, now that he was out of Avalon with no host of soldiers and servants to tend to all his needs, save for a little peasant boy, he had no idea why he had put up with him for as long as he had, it didn’t make any more sense.

The more he thought about it the more he thought his decision foolish, Raisel could be anywhere, any town, any kingdom. He would never be able to find her, especially if she didn’t want to be found. This was why he wanted to travel solo, so as not to attract unnecessary attention to him, so she wouldn’t know
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goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
What happened with dress? why did is non complements bother her?
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
He almost fooled I thought he changed but he didn’t

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