
Alicia's Whereabouts

After 11 hours in a plane, it came to a stop in Texas. Queenie and Pierce hadn't gone with their jet since they wanted to maintain a low profile.

Hence, a journey which should've taken 6 hours at most, took 11 because of all the waiting and interruptions which happened along the way.

When they got into a tab, Queenie shared the photo on her phone with Pierce. "I was expecting the child to look a little like Velon. I guess he's not the type to pass down his genes."

Pierce merely smiled. Maybe his gene wasn't passed because of something else.

"And they are living quite comfortably." Queenie commented again and showed him a picture of the house the mother and son lived in.

"He's proving to be a good husband and father. I bet his son and wife are so happy to have him." Pierce finally said and looked out of the car's window.

Queenie nodded slightly and looked up to see the driver looking at them from his front view mirror. Most importantly, he hadn't driven off.

When she realized wh
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