
Audrey's Predicament

A Village In Jaron

A man putting on a face mask got down from the last car and walked towards the four of them.

"Cheetah and Lynx, I didn't think I'd see you guys anytime soon. However, it's a pleasure meeting you." The man said.

"Is this the traitorous Python who betrayed his master in exchange for just a little power? I must say, I expected more." Cheetah scoffed.

Python pulled off his mask and his dark skinned face came into their view. A smile radiated his face next as he said, "Because we just met, I'd disregard your words. However, if I may ask, give me Liam Verlice and Sarah Mooney and we can't pretend none of this ever happened."

"Sorry traitor, but you'd be getting them over my dead body." Lynx said, stepping forward.

"If you say so, who I'm I not to grant your request." The smile on Python's face deepened as he raised both hands signalling the men with him to aim his guns at Cheetah and Python. Before he gave the final order, he asked, "Are you sure about this?"

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