

Damien 118.

The silence that followed was uneasy and loud. What Natalia was saying was out of the question.

"She was never an employee in the first place," I reminded Natalia.

"Well she would like to be," Natalia said.

"This discussion does not concern me," Isabella said in a dry tone and stood up. "I will be in the car," She added and stood up.

"I think it does, sweetheart, you are in charge of the end of the year party my mom is always so crazy about, and Camilla wants in," Natalia replied.

"I am not working with you, ever again," Isabella looked directly at Camilla before storming out.

I was about to stand up before mom stopped me.

"Let her go, She needs to calm down," Mom said so with great reluctance, I sat down. This whole thing was making me upset.

Mom sat back and scrutinized Camilla and Natalia with a suspicious gaze.

"Look, Ava, I know we do not get along but clearly you of all people should know about second chances," Natalia said.

"The problem is if
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