
57- "Boyfriend."

"CHEERS to your success!" I proudly said then raised my glass to toast with Fabio.

"Cheers for OUR success," he corrected me and raised his glass as well.

Our... He really recognized me, and it felt so good.

We drank and had fun until silence reigned but after a while, he opened a topic to talk about.

"It's still fresh in my mind the first time we've been together in a bar..." he uttered while gazing at the scenery in front of us.

I looked at him. How could I ever forget our first not-so-good encounter! And it was me who started it. I didn't treat him right that night and even insulted and belittled him in front of my friends, things I shouldn't have done in the first place.

"This is the second time I came to a bar with you after that first incident..."

I bit my lip. Guilt started to bother me.

"General Manager, about what happened in my friend's bridal shower, I want to apologize for throwing insults at you. I'm really sorry. I was so drunk that night I couldn't watch out for
Honey Hearts

AN: I want to get this opportunity to express my gratitude to my readers and those who continue to wait for my updates and are reading my other books. To @Maribeth Collins, @Vev Tun-ogan, @raquel garcia, @Damione, @Gee Diamante, @Ludwig K Dominia Ang, @Peace Ijeoma, and @ximab24087 the gems you gave this book are well-appreciated, guys :) THANK YOU SO MUCH! :)

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