
Chapter 42

There was a sharpshooting pain in my waist that almost made me shriek until I realized I wasn’t alone. The pain came as a result of me trying to abide by the instruction given to twist the torso as a warm-up in the joint pack training I was in — the second joint training I was getting involved in since I arrived at this pack.

It was obvious now that I haven’t completely healed from my internal injuries. Being rammed against trees at different times was no joke. I’ve had the opportunity to see the pack doctor already, but he told me to give it time to heal, citing the waist pain was a mild injury. Except I don’t believe a pain of two weeks now was mild. Made me feel I was human again.

With a hand to my waist, so I could put pressure on the affected part, I look around to see the others, both male and female warriors, doing the same move that I stopped doing not too long ago. It was an easy one that I should never

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