


Even though the lady has been silent for a long, I can still feel her presence. I know that she is just a stranger with that I have a connection, but oddly enough, I feel her around me.

Well, this is difficult to explain but that is how I feel. I feel as if she is in deep thought which is why I do not want to disturb her. Also, I have this weird feeling that she knows something that she is deliberately keeping from me.

Well, since I am a prisoner here, I have all the time in the world. I will wait for her to finish her pondering and talk to me. She might have spaced out but it is consoling to know that she is still with me.

Whether she is a wolf or not, I am just glad to have her around. Come to think of it, these werewolves are not at all downright bad. Most of them are actually warm and accommodating.

If that was not the case, I would not have made friends at all with this pack of wolves. Take Ben, for instance, he has been risking facing his alpha's wrath just to help me.

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