
Scarlett's Deception


Two months have gone by, with my mate gone. I am frustrated, helpless, and horny! I guess I am in a rut and mating is the only cure for a rut.

How do I end this torture when my mate is not with me? I cannot cheat on her since we have now completed the mate bond. Apart from that, I am an alpha and I should uphold the values that I instill in my people.

Every day, we make sure we teach the youngsters the importance of honoring the mate bond. It has been this way over the years passed. If I stumble, I will be the reason for their rebellion. How will I face my pack if I commit the very sin that we preach against nonstop?

At this moment, every female I see is appealing. I am a walking time bomb. A danger to the female population in my pack. I have to lock myself up in my room until this passes. It is taking all of my willpower to hold myself back.

I struggle to get through to my father through mindlink. Luckily, uncle Levi sensed my distress so he is here to see me. We meet at t
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