
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Kotaro’s hands tightened into fists as he stood beside Yohji, trying to get him to stand still while cuffing him. “Damn it you nimrod, if you don’t stand still, I’m going to shoot your kneecaps off,” he growled at the half dumb ass, half-vampire. “Then you can sure as hell sit still!” Why was it always him left babysitting the idiots and fools?

The bright lights of the police vehicles were starting to bother his sensitive eyes, making him annoyed. ‘You’d think I’d be used to them by now,’ Kotaro thought wryly as two patrol officers took Yohji off his hands.

After answering a few questions from the investigating detective, he was congratulated on having thwarted another possible disappearance. He didn’t care if they thought Yohji was the mastermind behind the missing girls… it wasn’t like the county-mounties would ever have a chance at catching Hyakuhei anyway.

Kotaro pulled at the collar of the shirt he’d been given by the chief detective and sighed in relief when
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