
chapter 77 Soon

Kris you ready?" Jude voice came after the series of knock on the door snapping Kristopher chain of thoughts

"not yet" He replied

"can i come in. are you dressed?"

"Sure come in"

Just as Jude walked in Kristopher breath got stuck in his throat.

She looked divinely breathtaking in that white dress that hugged all the curves of her gorgeous body. the color suited her skin tone and her makeup was very minimal if you excluded her highlights. Her eyes stood out the most as she had taken off her black lenses ands let her hair straight and loose.

"Take your breaths and close your mouth" Jude didn't want to drag him to hospital if he passed out from lack of oxygen or swallowed bees.

"just let me appreciate how good you look hold on let me just admire for a bit"

"if by admiring you mean staring or gawking at me then i am off. Bye Bye"

Kristopher didn't even get to say anything before Jude had walked out

taking a deep sigh he got up wanting to finish getting ready too

"Oh and wear the suit
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